HB 1648 - DIGEST |
Requires the department of licensing to distribute suicide awareness and prevention materials to firearms dealers, that are tailored to firearms owners, and are developed by the safer homes, suicide aware task force. |
Requires the pharmacy quality assurance commission to: (1) Distribute the materials to licensed pharmacies; |
(2) Survey each licensed pharmacist on methods to bridge the gap between practice and suicide awareness and prevention training; and |
(3) Consider a pharmacist who has successfully completed the curriculum, developed by the schools of pharmacy at the University of Washington and Washington State University and a work group convened by the universities, before licensure as possessing the minimum training and experience necessary to be exempt from the training requirements. |
Requires the department of veterans affairs to develop and implement a statewide plan to reduce suicide among service members, veterans, and their families. |
Changes the name of the suicide safer homes task force to the safer homes, suicide aware task force. |