All individuals who hunt deer, elk, turkey, or bear are required to report their hunting successes or failures to the Department of Fish and Wildlife (Department) within 10 days after the close of an eligible hunt, or by January 31, whichever date is later. Reports can be submitted to the Department either by way of a toll-free automated phone system or through the Department's Internet website. The Fish and Wildlife Commission may require a hunter who fails to report to pay an administrative penalty of no more than $10 per hunter, and that hunter must complete a report and pay any outstanding administrative penalties before they may acquire a hunting license in the following year.
The maximum total administrative penalty per hunter for failure to report the taking or effort to harvest wildlife is increased from $10 to $20. A hunter who has not completed a harvest report in a previous year, rather than the previous year, must do so and pay any associated administrative penalties before they may acquire a new hunting license.