Acupuncture and Eastern medicine practitioners (AEMPs) are licensed by the Department of Health (DOH). An AEMP uses acupuncture or Eastern medicine diagnosis and treatment to promote health and treat organic or functional disorders. Examples of tasks an AEMP may perform include:
A 2019 sunrise review conducted by the DOH recommended that the AEMP scope of practice be expanded to include local anesthetics, oxygen, and epinephrine for point injection therapy. The sunrise review did not make recommendations regarding other scope of practice clarifications, including clarifications relating to pain management, ear acupuncture, contact needling, noninsertion tools, types of needles, ashi points, motor points, trigger points, and intramuscular needling.
The definition of acupuncture and Eastern medicine is modified to include traditional and modern acupuncture and Eastern medicine therapeutic treatments such as the practice of acupuncture techniques and herbal medicine to maintain and promote wellness, prevent, manage, and reduce pain, and treat substance use disorder.
The types of needles that may be used by an acupuncture and Eastern medicine practitioner (AEMP) are specified as including presterilized, disposable needles, such as filiform needles and syringes. For purposes of the use of needles or devices, acupuncture points are specified as including ashi points, motor points, trigger points, and other nonspecific points throughout the body.
The tasks an AEMP may perform are expanded to specifically include:
Point injection therapy is expanded to include the injection of local anesthetics, such as lidocaine and procaine, for the reduction of pain during point injection therapy, consistent with the practice of acupuncture and Eastern medicine and training requirements defined in rule. An AEMP using point injection therapy may use oxygen, and epinephrine for potential emergency purposes, for patient care and safety. Prior to administering local anesthetics, epinephrine, or oxygen in point injection therapy, an AEMP must satisfy education and training requirements established in rule by the Department of Health (DOH). The DOH must establish the requirements by July 1, 2022.