FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2022, 2:28 PM 33RD DAY
SB 5885 f Marine shoreline habitat
SB 5662 f Right-of-way camping/housing
SB 5909 Gubernatorial emerg. powers
SB 5730 Child victim confidentiality
SB 5585 f Domestic wastewater fees
SB 5545 f Survivor benefits
SB 5643 Youth development programs
SB 5900 f Provisional paramedics, EMTs
SJM 8006 National infrastructure bank
SB 5790 f Community support services
SB 5890 f Radiological waste workers
SB 5765 f Midwifery
SB 5701 f Workers' comp wages
SB 5920 Parenting plans
SB 5702 f Donor breast milk coverage
SB 5644 f Behavioral health coresponse
SB 5823 f Local infra. project areas
SB 5947 f Property exempt from exec.
SB 5626 f Water system plans/climate
SB 5182 f Advisory votes
SB 5745 f Personal needs allowance
SB 5703 f Cosmetic products/chemicals
SB 5723 f Diversity in clinical trials
SB 5590 f Marine resources ad. council
SB 5818 f Housing/SEPA & GMA
SB 5964 f Local permit review process
SB 5762 Purple star award
SB 5817 f Synthetic media in campaigns
SB 5796 f Cannabis revenue
SB 5783 f Underground economy
SB 5826 f Warm water game fish
SB 5860 Water policy & aquifer level
SB 5807 f State hospitals
SB 5825 f Rental & vacant property reg
SGA 9170 WILLIAM N. RUMPF, Chair, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9233 LATASHA M. WORTHAM, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees
SGA 9236 KIMBERLY N. GORDON, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
SGA 9238 JON TUNHEIM, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
SGA 9289 CLAIRE HESSELHOLT, Member, Board of Tax Appeals
SGA 9290 MACK L. HOGANS, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
SGA 9297 CHERYL STRANGE, Director, Department of Corrections - Agency Head
SGA 9301 DJELLI BERISHA, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents
SGA 9309 SHAIN WRIGHT, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents
SGA 9333 CRYSTAL DONNER, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
SGA 9342 ALEJANDRO ALCANTAR, Member, Washington Student Achievement Council
SGA 9349 KALEEN COTTINGHAM, Member, Salmon Recovery Funding Board
SGA 9354 CHERYL ANGELETTI-HARRIS, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board