1469-S AMH CHEN STER 015
SHB 1469 - H AMD 65
By Representative Cheney
NOT ADOPTED 02/28/2023
On page 15, at the beginning of line 15, strike "(1)"
On page 16, beginning on line 1, beginning with "(2)" strike all material through "Washington" on line 28
| EFFECT: Removes the following provisions relating to warrants for a charge or complaint that is related to criminal liability that is based on the provision or receipt of protected health care services: That a person making the charge or complaint for the commission of a crime in another state discloses and provides an attestation that the charge is related to criminal liability that is related to the provision or receipt of protected health care services; That false attestations subject the attester to the jurisdiction of Washington courts and a statutory penalty of $10,000; Warrants for the charge or complaint are prohibited.
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