2331-S AMH WALJ MOET 315


SHB 2331 - H AMD 1012

By Representative Walsh

ADOPTED 02/10/2024

On page 4, line 13, after "of" strike "representative" and insert "((representative)): Representative"

On page 4, line 15, after "committees" strike ", and, in the case of districts which" and insert "((, and, in the case of districts which)); one or more parents of enrolled students, with the parent members equaling less than one-half of the total membership of the committee; and in the case of districts that"

On page 4, beginning on line 19, after "children." strike all material through "membership of" on line 21 and insert "((The committee may include parents at the school board's discretion: PROVIDED, That parent members shall make up less than one-half of the total membership of)) School districts shall develop and implement comprehensive outreach programs to parents of enrolled students in the district for the purpose of recruiting parent members for instructional materials committees;

(iv) Instructional materials committees that are unable to recruit at least one parent of an enrolled student to serve on the committee must, while they are without a parent member, report quarterly to the school district board of directors and the public on their efforts to recruit one or more parents to serve on"

Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.

EFFECT: (1) Requires that school district instructional materials committees (IMCs) include at least one member that is a parent of an enrolled student. 

(2) Requires school districts to develop and implement comprehensive outreach programs to parents of enrolled students in the district for the purpose of recruiting parent members for IMCs.

(3) Requires IMCs that are unable to recruit parents to, while they are without a parent member, report quarterly to the school district board of directors and the public on their efforts to recruit one or more parents to serve on the IMC.

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