5241.E AMH WALE BUR 193


ESB 5241 - H AMD TO APP COMM AMD (H-3433.2/24) 1257

By Representative Walen


On page 6, beginning on line 36 of the striking amendment, after "(1)" strike all material through "the" on page 7, line 1 and insert "The"

On page 7, line 37 of the striking amendment, after "transactions" strike all material through "section" on line 39 and insert ", other than those specified under subsection (2) of this section or which fall under subsection (4) of this section, that will foreseeably, as of the time of the transaction, directly cause a meaningful reduction in access, in Washington state or an affected community, to the provision of reproductive health care, gender affirming care, or end-of-life care, including services provided in accordance with chapter 70.25 RCW"

On page 10, at the beginning of line 18 of the striking amendment, strike "this chapter" and insert "RCW 19.390.040(3)"

On page 10, line 19 of the striking amendment, after "affordable" insert "reproductive health care, gender affirming care, or end-of-life"

On page 10, beginning on line 22 of the striking amendment, after "affordable" strike all material through "primary care," on line 23

On page 12, line 21 of the striking amendment, after "quality" insert "reproductive health care, gender affirming care, and end-of-life"

EFFECT:   Modifies transaction notice requirements such that all parties must provide basic notice regarding names, locations, and the transaction's nature, purpose, and date, while enhanced notice requirements apply to transactions that will foreseeably and directly cause a meaningful reduction in access to the provision of reproductive health care, gender affirming care, or end-of-life care in Washington or an affected community.

Modifies the provision restricting certain material change transactions by limiting it to transactions subject to enhanced notice requirements instead of all material change transactions. Provides transactions subject to enhanced notice requirements may not take place if they would detrimentally affect the continued existence of accessible, affordable reproductive health care, gender affirming care, or end-of-life health care in Washington state. Removes the general restriction on transactions detrimentally affecting any kind of health care, and the requirement that communities have the same or greater access to emergency care and primary care.

Modifies the provision governing the Attorney General's power to impose conditions or modifications on a material change transaction by specifying conditions or modifications may only be imposed to ensure access to affordable quality reproductive health care, gender affirming care, and end-of-life care.

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