The Washington State Department of Agriculture (Department) administers the state Pesticide Control Act and Pesticide Application Act. The Department's activities under both acts include adopting rules requiring the registration and restricted use of pesticides, testing and certifying pesticide applicators, issuing handler and worker pesticide training documentation, and providing technical assistance to pesticide applicators and workers.
The Pesticide Advisory Board (Board) advised the Department on pesticide-related actions and was eliminated in 2010. The Board consisted of members appointed by the Director of the Department for staggered four-year terms. Board members included licensed pesticide applicators; members from the agricultural and food processing community, including a member representing agricultural labor; the environmental community; an entomologist; a toxicologist; a pesticide coordinator from Washington State University; and a health care practitioner.
In addition, the directors or other designated officials of several state agencies served as nonvoting members of the Board. Nonvoting members included the directors of the departments of Labor and Industries, Fish and Wildlife, Natural Resources, and Ecology, as well as the Environmental Health Specialist from the Department of Health, and the Assistant Director of the Pesticide Management Division of the Department.
Legislative intent is expressed to create a formal and permanent advisory board to advise the Washington State Department of Agriculture (Department) on pesticide-related actions. The Pesticide Advisory Board (Board) is created and is composed of both voting and nonvoting members appointed by the Director of the Department of Agriculture (Director). Members appointed to the Board serve terms of four years and may be appointed for successive four year terms at the discretion of the Director. Board member terms must be staggered so that approximately one-fourth of the terms expire on June 30 each year. The Director must attempt to fill any vacancy on the Board within 30 days.
The 10 voting Board members appointed by the Director represent a variety of interests, including:
The nonvoting members appointed by the Director include:
Additional nonvoting members include:
Nonvoting members are not appointed by the Director.