In 2004 the Office of the Attorney General (AGO) convened the Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains Task Force, which developed and published a toolkit containing information and resources related to the process of reporting a missing person. The AGO last updated the toolkit in 2007.
In 2022 the state established the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People Task Force (MMIWP Task Force) in the AGO and directed the MMIWP Task Force to review the laws and policies pertaining to missing and murdered indigenous people and develop related recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature.
The Office of the Attorney General (AGO) must, subject to appropriation, publish and maintain a Missing Persons Toolkit (Toolkit) that contains regularly updated information related to locating and recovering missing persons. The Toolkit must contain information and resources to help understand and engage with the process of reporting missing persons including, at minimum, the following:
The AGO must publish the Toolkit in the top 10 languages spoken in the state, in the following formats:
The AGO must publish the first version of the Toolkit in both formats by November 1, 2023 and, beginning in 2024, the AGO must review the Toolkit annually and publish an updated version incorporating any relevant changes by November 1 of each year thereafter.