The International Year of the Salmon (IYS) was an initiative of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) and the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC), with the stated goal to create awareness and foster understanding of the issues facing wild salmon and their impact on the communities that benefit from the resource. The focal year of the IYS was 2019, with IYS-related activities continuing through 2022.
Activities associated with the IYS included education, research, and outreach. For research activities in collaboration with the scientific community, the NASCO and the NPAFC identified broad research themes, including: (1) understanding the current status of salmon and their environments; (2) natural and man-made factors impacting salmon abundance; (3) new methods and technologies in salmon science; (4) connecting salmon-dependent communities to improve resiliency; and (5) developing information systems to support future research.
The Legislature affirms its support for recognizing 2019 as the International Year of the Salmon, and for continued investment in wild salmon recovery.
(In support) Although the International Year of the Salmon (IYS) was in 2019, Washington would join other states such as Alaska, Oregon, and California, as well as British Columbia to recognize this important initiative. Salmon has become a priority for the Legislature, and more bills pertaining to salmon have been introduced this session than in previous years. Showing support for the IYS supports the important work that is being done with comanagers to protect salmon.
(Opposed) None.