BySenator Nguyen
WHEREAS, On the 22nd day of January in 2023 the people of the great state of Washington unite to celebrate the Lunar New Year, joining to distinguish Asian American joy, cultures, and beautiful diversity; and 
WHEREAS, The Lunar New Year begins on the first new moon of the lunisolar calendar; and
WHEREAS, This year is designated as the Year of the Rabbit or the Cat; both animals in the zodiac are characterized by their grace, adaptability, and thoughtfulness; their gentle nature bringing symbols of longevity, tranquility, and prosperity to the year; and 
WHEREAS, Washington acknowledges both the wonderful heritage and collective trauma of our Asian American ancestors; and 
WHEREAS, We deeply appreciate the Asian American community that has made Washington a vibrant place for us all to call home, through building and supporting their communities despite the uncertainty they have faced at times; and
WHEREAS, We highlight the solidarity and strength of the Asian American community in the face of violent racism, during the past few years - well before - and ongoing; and
WHEREAS, The Lunar New Year is a time to embrace reflections and understanding as we look towards renewal; and
WHEREAS, We step into the Year of the Rabbit or Cat not just as an individual, but as a family united in compassion and community stewardship;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate stand with the Asian American community in times of crisis and in times of celebration, we come together now with memories of fond endings and visions for new beginnings in acknowledgment of the Lunar New Year.