1393 AMH DONA MORD 009


HB 1393 - H AMD 76

By Representative Donaghy

ADOPTED 03/04/2025

On page 1, at the beginning of line 16, after "of" strike "an item or object" and insert "items or objects"

On page 2, line 3, after "wear" strike "one" and insert "an"

On page 2, line 6, after "events." insert "For the purposes of this section, "an item or object of cultural significance" may include multiple items or objects if they are traditionally worn or used together."

On page 2, line 15, after "prohibit" strike "an item that is" and insert "items or objects that are"

EFFECT: Permits students to wear more than one item or object with or attached to their gown if they are traditionally worn or used together. Makes a technical correction to make the references to "items or objects" consistent.

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