During an emergency, when a local jurisdiction needs assistance beyond the capabilities of local resources and mutual aid agreements, a request may be made for a state mobilization. ?The Chief of the Washington State Patrol (WSP) has the authority to mobilize jurisdictions under the Washington State Fire Services Mobilization Plan (Mobilization Plan).? During a mobilization, fire departments, fire districts, and regional fire protection service authorities provide resources to respond to natural or man-made incidents.? When available local resource capabilities are exceeded, the resources from other fire departments, fire districts, and regional fire protection service authorities must be requested.? If those resources are available, the resources are required to be sent to an emergency or disaster situation.
The purpose of the Mobilization Plan is to provide a mechanism and process to quickly notify, assemble, and deploy fire service personnel and equipment to any local fire jurisdiction in Washington that has expended or will expend all available local and mutual aid resources in attempting to manage fires, disasters, or other events that jeopardize the ability of a jurisdiction to provide for the protection of life and property. ?The State Fire Marshal in the WSP serves as the state fire resources coordinator when the Mobilization Plan is mobilized.
The Chief of the Washington State Patrol may mobilize jurisdictions under the Washington State Fire Services Mobilization Plan to prepare for an emergency or disaster situation or when an emergency or disaster situation is predicted to exceed the local resource capabilities.