By statute, school districts set rules for student dress codes, but districts may not prohibit students from wearing clothing associated with their religion. ?In addition, students who are members of federally recognized tribes may wear traditional tribal regalia or objects of Native American cultural significance along with or attached to a gown at graduation ceremonies or related school events.
School districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools (schools) must permit students to wear one item or object of cultural significance with or attached to their gown at high school commencements and other official graduation ceremonies and events.? The item or object must be befitting of the ceremony or event and adhere to applicable decorum requirements of the schools.? Schools may prohibit an item that is likely to cause substantial disruption or interfere materially with a high school commencement or other official graduation ceremony or event. ?
Statutory provisions related to the wearing of traditional tribal regalia or objects of Native American cultural significance by students who are members of a federally recognized tribe are not modified or otherwise affected.