

State of Washington
69th Legislature
2025 Regular Session
ByRepresentatives Farivar, Davis, Berry, Reed, Macri, Bergquist, Scott, Ryu, Fitzgibbon, Taylor, Obras, Gregerson, Street, Ormsby, and Hill
Prefiled 12/20/24.Read first time 01/13/25.Referred to Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary.
AN ACT Relating to removing the city residency requirement for judges pro tempore in municipalities with a population of more than 400,000 inhabitants; and amending RCW 35.20.200.
Sec. 1. RCW 35.20.200 and 2000 c 55 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The presiding municipal court judge shall((, from attorneys residing in the city and qualified to hold the position of judge of the municipal court as provided in RCW 35.20.170,)) appoint judges pro tempore who shall act in the absence of the regular judges of the court or in addition to the regular judges when the administration of justice and the accomplishment of the work of the court make it necessary. The presiding municipal court judge may appoint, as judges pro tempore, any full-time district court judges serving in the county in which the city is situated. The term of office must be specified in writing.
(2) A judge pro tempore must be an elector of this state and an attorney admitted to practice law before the courts of record of this state. A judge pro tempore need not be a resident of the city in which the municipal court is located.
(3) While acting as judge of the court, judges pro tempore shall have all of the powers of the regular judges. Before entering upon his or her duties, each judge pro tempore shall take, subscribe and file an oath as is taken by a municipal judge. Judges pro tempore shall not practice before the municipal court during their term of office as judge pro tempore. ((Such municipal))
(4) Municipal judges pro tempore shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by ordinance by the legislative body of the city and such compensation shall be paid by the city except that district court judges shall not be compensated by the city other than pursuant to an interlocal agreement.
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