HB 1781



BYRepresentatives Jacobsen, Basich, Patrick, Sayan, Prince, Anderson and Sanders



Waiving tuition and fees at state institutions of higher education for members of the Washington national guard.



House Committe on Higher Education


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (10)

      Signed by Representatives Jacobsen, Chair; Heavey, Vice Chair; Barnes, Basich, Fox, Jesernig, Miller, Prince, Silver and Unsoeld.


      House Staff:Susan Hosch (786-7120)







From 1979 to 1985, The National Guard Assistance Program operated in Washington.  The program permitted enlisted members of the National Guard to receive grants of up to $1,000 per year to cover reimbursable educational costs at accredited public or private colleges.  The reimbursable costs included tuition, fees, books, institutional services, and laboratory supplies.  Recipients were limited to 12 academic quarters or the equivalent.  From 1979 to 1985, approximately $200,000 per biennium was appropriated for the program.


Under the 1983 Sunset Act, the program was scheduled to be terminated on June 30, 1985.  The Legislative Budget Committee (LBC) undertook a final program audit.  The Committee found that 27 states had tuition waivers or assistance for National Guard personnel.  Two states provided educational loans, eight states had selective scholarship programs, and six states provided educational assistance for dependents, usually under hardship conditions.  Seven states did not have any program.


The final LBC program audit concluded that the effectiveness of the assistance program "cannot be readily demonstrated as required under the provisions of the sunset act", and that the continuation of the program was not warranted at that time.  The LBC also commented that, "...if the Legislature decides to continue the program, it is additionally recommended that the program be targeted toward enhancing the manning of those national guard units most likely to be utilized in the event of natural or man made disasters."


Legislation was introduced in 1985 to continue the assistance program.  The legislation did not pass, and the program terminated on June 30, 1985.




State colleges and universities are permitted to waive tuition and service and activities fees for members of the Washington National Guard enrolled on a space available basis. These students will not be included in official enrollment reports, and the institutions will not receive any state funding for them.


Members of the National Guard will be charged a registration fee of five dollars or more.  The institutions will adopt guidelines to implement these waivers.


Fiscal Note:      Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Peter Lukevich, National Guard; Kevin Ryan, National Guard Association; Rick Read, Major, National Guard.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    Members of the National Guard who wish to be promoted are facing increasing education requirements, because they are held to the same education requirements as the members of the armed services. For example, a member of the Guard must have a baccalaureate degree before he or she is eligible for promotion to the rank of major. Although members of the Guard are eligible for benefits under the GI Bill, most states offer some type of additional educational assistance as well.  Washington is one of a handful of states that does not.  State assistance programs help the Guard to recruit and retain members.  Since 1985, recruitment has increased in this state, but retention is slipping precipitously.  Washington has the highest recruitment rate nationally, but it also has the highest rate for members leaving the Guard.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.