HB 352



                                  C 179 L 87



BYRepresentatives Cantwell, D. Sommers, Walk, Schmidt, Betrozoff and Meyers; by request of Department of Transportation



Modifying provisions relating to priority programming for highways.



House Committe on Transportation



Senate Committee on Transportation



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




Under current law, there are three categories of highway construction within the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT).  They are:


Category A:  Those improvements necessary to sustain the structural safety and operational integrity of the existing highway system, other than Interstate.  This category contains most of the state bridge program and includes those projects which are 100 percent reimbursable from federal or other agency funds.


Category B:  Improvements for the continued development and maintenance of the Interstate system.  This program is funded with 90 percent federal dollars.


Category C:  Major transportation improvements, other than interstate, including designated but unconstructed highways, congestion improvements and some major bridge improvements.


In recent years there has been increased emphasis at the federal and state level on the bridge program.  The appropriation authority for the bridge program is contained in several different budget items within the DOT budget, making it difficult to manage and to provide legislative oversight.


Reimbursable projects, such as the Mount St. Helens highway being rebuilt with 100 percent federal funds, are currently appropriated in the Category A program.  These 100 percent reimbursable projects tend to fluctuate dramatically and therefore distort an otherwise stable program.




A new non-Interstate bridge program, Category H, is created for the purpose of improved budgeting, management and reporting.  Category H will include:  1) bridge replacement, rehabilitation and restoration previously funded in the Category A and Category C programs; and 2) bridge painting transferred from the maintenance budget (Program M).


The 100 percent reimbursable projects will no longer be funded in Category A and are transferred to Program R.





      House 97   0

      Senate    47     0


EFFECTIVE:July 26, 1987