SSB 5274

                            As Amended by the House



BYSenate Committee on Education (originally sponsored by  Senators Gaspard, Kiskaddon, Bauer and Smitherman)



Recognizing teachers' in-service training and continuing education for compensation purposes.



House Committe on Education


Majority Report:  Do pass with amendment.  (18)

      Signed by Representatives Ebersole, Chair; Spanel, Vice Chair; Appelwick, Betrozoff, Cole, Cooper, Fuhrman, Holm, P. King, Peery, Pruitt, Rasmussen, Rayburn, L. Smith, Taylor, Todd, Valle and Walker.


Minority Report:  Do not pass.  (2)

      Signed by Representatives Rust and Schoon.


      House Staff:Susan Patrick (786-7109)



                        AS PASSED HOUSE APRIL 13, 1987




Under the In-service Training Act, school districts are required to conduct an assessment at least every two years to identify in-service training needs and goals.  Current law does not permit state or locally funded in-service training or continuing education credits to count toward salary allocation purposes on the compensation schedule developed by the Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program Committee.




Certificated personnel shall receive the equivalent of a one quarter college credit course on the salary schedule developed by the Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program Committee (LEAP) for each (a) ten clock hours of approved in-service training attended or (b) ten clock hours of continuing education received, as defined by rule adopted by the State Board of Education.


An approved in-service training program shall be: (a) approved by a school district board of directors in accordance with standards adopted by the State Board of Education, and developed in participation with an in-service training task force, or (b) offered by an education agency approved by the State Board of Education to provide in-service for continuing education purposes, or (c) approved by a district and offered by a State Board approved provider of in-service for continuing education.


Only in-service or continuing education hours earned after August 31, 1987 may be counted toward application on the LEAP schedule.


Fiscal Note:      Attached.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Bob Maier, Washington Education Association.


House Committee - Testified Against:      Jnon Rishan, Citizens for Excellence in Education; Sonnia Bean, self; Lenora Henke, self.


House Committee - Testimony For:    The ability to use in-service training credits and continuing education credits for advancement on the salary schedule will promote teacher enrollment in these programs and will assure that the quality of these programs is high.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      We believe that only college credits should be used and are not sure of the types of things being taught in in-service and continuing education programs.