HB 1017



BYRepresentatives P. King and K. Wilson 



Providing funds for salary increases for educational food service employees.



House Committe on Education


Majority Report:  Do pass with amendments.  (15)

      Signed by Representatives Peery, Chair; Betrozoff, Ranking Republican Member; Brumsickle, Cole, Fuhrman, Holland, Horn, Jones, Phillips, Rasmussen, Rayburn, Schoon, Valle, Walker and K. Wilson.


      House Staff:Susan Patrick (786-7111)







In 1987-88, 258 of 296 school districts participated in the federal school lunch program.  In 1979 state salary support for the school lunch program was ended.  Currently, school districts receive revenues for the school lunch program from the following sources:  1) Lunch money receipts - 46 percent; 2)Federal funds - 39 percent; 3) State funds - three percent; and 4) Federal commodities - 12 percent.  In the past few years the average price of lunches has increased more slowly than the rate of inflation.  The price of lunches is the primary source of funds for salary increases.  In 1986-87 there were 1,816 FTE classified food service employees at an average FTE salary of $15,348.  This number understates the actual number of employees and overstates their actual income since most of these employees work part-time.




BILL AS AMENDED:  In addition to other moneys appropriated by the legislature for classified staff, money shall be provided for salary or benefit increases for food service personnel when salary or benefit increases are provided for other classified personnel.


AMENDED BILL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL:  Benefit increases, as well as salary increases, will be provided to food service employees.


Fiscal Note:      Available.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Representative Paul King; Margaret Casey, School Food Service Workers; and Owen Linch, Teamsters.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    We believe that you are all familiar with our request that food service employees be treated as all other classified employees.  We have the support of the Operating Engineers, Public Service Employees, WEA, and County and City Employees.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.