S-4298               _______________________________________________


                                                   SENATE BILL NO. 6714



State of Washington                               51st Legislature                              1990 Regular Session


By Senators Bailey, Rinehart, Murray, Lee, Bender, Patrick, Fleming, Talmadge and Sutherland



Read first time 1/24/90 and referred to Committee on  Education.



AN ACT Relating to earthquake safety in public schools; creating new sections; making appropriations; and declaring an emergency.




          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.     The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the Washington state school directors' association, shall by June 30, 1990, develop a model earthquake preparedness policy for use by school districts.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.     Each school district board of directors shall adopt an earthquake policy by December 31, 1991.  The policy shall include but not be limited to:

          (1) Training all students and school employees in earthquake safety and earthquake hazard mitigation procedures;

          (2) A minimum of twice yearly school earthquake drills;

          (3) Notifying parents annually of school earthquake procedures;

          (4) Coordinating earthquake response with the local office of emergency management and other immediate response organizations, communications organizations, and utilities; and

          (5) A plan for identifying and correcting by 1995 nonstructural earthquake hazards in all school district facilities used for school purposes.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.     The superintendent of public instruction shall, to the extent funds are available, contract with the Pacific science center to provide training to teachers and administrators in earthquake safety and education and to distribute available information and curriculum materials.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.     The superintendent of public instruction shall work with the state building code council, the state department of community development, and the educational service districts, and shall seek assistance from representatives of groups including but not limited to:  Educational associations, teachers, parents, community representatives, school boards, and persons with expertise in engineering, health and social services, and insurance, to:

          (1) Compile a listing to include:  The number of public school facilities by age and type of construction; the number of public school buildings that have been structurally reviewed for seismic stability by a licensed structural engineer since 1985; the number of school districts that have or plan to implement renovation, repair, or rehabilitation programs and the funding to be used to pay for planned renovations, repairs, or rehabilitation; and the number of school districts with earthquake insurance and the availability of such insurance.  Consideration shall be given to collecting data also useful to long-term planning for school construction at the same time.

          (2) Analyze the cost of repairs, rehabilitation, or rebuilding necessary for every school building to meet the seismic safety standards published in the latest edition of the state uniform building code.

          (3) Establish standards for and conduct a structural review of all public school buildings built before 1976, excluding those that have been structurally reviewed for seismic safety by a licensed structural engineer since 1985.  All reviews shall be completed by December 31, 1991.  The person reviewing the building shall provide the applicable school district superintendent, the building principal, and the superintendent of public instruction with a written narrative report on the seismic safety of each building reviewed and the remedies for any seismic structural deficiencies identified in accordance with the uniform building code under chapter 19.27 RCW.  This report shall be submitted within sixty days of completion of the review.

          (4) Set goals and priorities for the state's public school system in connection with earthquake hazard reduction.

          (5) Develop and recommend a plan to implement a comprehensive program of earthquake hazard reduction for the state's common school system.

          The superintendent of public instruction shall complete a report of findings under this section by June 30, 1992, and submit the results of findings and any recommendations to the legislature not later than December 1, 1993.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 5.     The superintendent of public instruction shall cooperate with the educational service districts to develop and implement a regionally based program to assist school districts in addressing earthquake preparedness and other safety concerns.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 6.     The sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the general fund to the superintendent of public instruction for the biennium ending June 30, 1991, to carry out the purposes of section 3 of this act.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 7.     The sum of one million six hundred fifty thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the general fund to the superintendent of public instruction for the biennium ending June 30, 1991, to carry out the purposes of section 4 of this act.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 8.     The sum of two hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the general fund to the superintendent of public instruction for the biennium ending June 30, 1991, to carry out the purposes of section 5 of this act.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 9.     This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately.