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House Chamber, Olympia, Wednesday, January 13, 1993

              The House was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by the Speaker. The Clerk called the roll of the House.

              Reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with and it was ordered to stand approved.

              The Speaker declared the House to be at ease.

              The Speaker called the House to order.

              The Sergeant at Arms announced the arrival of the Senate at the bar of the House.

              The Speaker instructed the Sergeants at Arms of the House and Senate to escort the President of the Senate, Joel Pritchard, President Pro Tempore Lorraine Wojahn, Vice President Pro Tempore Al Williams, Majority Leader Marc Gaspard, and Minority Leader George Sellar to seats on the rostrum.

              The Speaker invited the Senators to seats within the House Chamber.

              The Speaker presented the gavel to President Pritchard.

              The President introduced the distinguished guests with us today, former Governor Al Rosellini, Congressman Al Swift, and Congresswoman Jolene Unsoeld.

              The President appointed Representatives Roland, Heavey, Brough and Talcott and Senators Hargrove, Loveland, Amondson and Erwin as a special committee to escort the Supreme Court Justices form the State Reception Room to seats within the House Chamber.

              The President appointed Representatives G. Fisher, Rust, Stevens and Fuhrman and Senators Drew, McDonald, Hochstatter and Deccio as a special committee to escort the State Elected Officials from the State Reception Room to seats within the House Chamber.

              The President introduced the Supreme Court Justices, the State Elected Officials and the Congressional Delegation.

              The Clerk of the House called the roll of the House.

              The Clerk of the Senate called the roll of the Senate and all members were present except Senators Pelz and Vognild, who were absent.

              The President appointed Representatives Rayburn and Reams and Senators Prentice and Cantu as a special committee to advise His Excellency, Governor Lowry, that the Joint Session has assembled and to escort him to the House of Representatives.

              The President of the Senate introduced Governor and Mrs. Lowry

              The President introduced Congressman Mike Kreidler. 

              The flag was escorted to the rostrum by I Corps Command of Fort Lewis.

              Prayer was offered by Reverend Samuel McKinney of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Seattle.

              Let us pray. We gather O God, to seek your blessings on all the elected officials who shall be sworn in this day. We're grateful for the excellence and the diversity they represent. We gather also God to seek your blessing upon Mike Lowry, the 20th Governor of the State of Washington. Smile, we pray upon all the inhabitants of this state, all elected and appointed officials and those who reside within all state institutions. May your creative, compassionate, beneficent, understanding spirit encompass our governor and all those sworn in this day, be a shining light before him, be a protective hovering cloud over him, a wall of strength behind him, solid unyielding ground underneath him as he leads us into a future which in spite of human tears and fears will be undimmed. May Governor Mike Lowry be blessed with an understanding and cooperative legislature and may a sensitive Supreme Court surround him with cooperative elected officials and may be upheld by a helpful and knowledgeable staff and employees. Be it, O God, our commitment to education so that we support and sustain a system of educational opportunities for all the populace of all ages and levels, open doors in trade and commerce and production so full employment might be enjoyed by all. Enable each of us to participate with creation in the preservation of our environment including the majestic mountains, burning valleys, towering trees, clean, clear waters laid in many varieties of fish. Remove from this state and nation all symbols of many acts of racism, sexism, elitism, ageism, and all otherism's. May the many splendid varieties of the human family residing in this state signal to the rest of the world how we could all live together as brothers and sisters. Now send your presence to the governor's family, that they might enjoy his successes with him so it strengthens and encourages him at those times when he and his conscience must stand alone. Grant him wisdom, grant him courage, for the facing of this hour, for the living of these days that he fail not humanity, nor thee. Amen

              President of the Senate: The purpose of this Joint Session is to administer the Oath of Office to the constitutionally elected state officials of the State of Washington and receive the Inaugural Address of Governor Mike Lowry.


              Justice Barbara Madsen administered the oath of office to Deborah Senn, Insurance Commissioner, and the President of the Senate presented her the Certificate of Office.

              Justice Charles Smith administered the oath of office to Jennifer Belcher, Commissioner of Public Lands, and the President of the Senate presented her the Certificate of Office.

              Acting Chief Justice Barbara Durham administered the oath of office to Judith Billings, Superintendent of Public Instructions, the President of the Senate presented her the Certificate of Office.

              Justice Richard Guy administered the oath of office to Christine Gregoire, Attorney General, and the President of the Senate presented her the Certificate of Office.

              Justice Charles Johnson administered the oath of office to Brian Sonntag, State Auditor, and the President of the Senate presented him the Certificate of Office.

              Justice Robert Brachtenbach administered the oath of office to Ralph Munro, Secretary of State, and the President of the Senate presented him the Certificate of Office.

              Justice Charles Smith administered the oath of office to Dan Grimm, Treasurer, and the President of the Senate presented him the Certificate of Office.

              Justice Robert Utter administered the oath of office to Joel Pritchard, Lieutenant Governor, and the President of the Senate presented him the Certificate of Office.

              Justice James Andersen administered the oath of office Governor, Mike Lowry, and the President of the Senate presented him the Certificate of Office.

              The President of the Senate introduced our new First Lady, Mary Lowry.

              The Speaker: Thank you Mr. President, this is indeed an honor.

              This is a week for sharp contrasts. Yesterday, we said goodbye to a governor who was known to be soft-spoken, quiet, and often perplexed by the twists and turns of legislative politics. He was a man of many interests--a serious tennis player, a regular at the local gym, a diligent piano student, and a philanthropist.

              Today, we welcome a new governor--a man who eats, breathes and sleeps politics and public policy. Our new governor is a man who revels in the rough and tumble of the legislative arena--a man whose passionate and vocal devotion to the democratic process is legendary.

              Among our new governor's passions are health care reform, education reform, and the creation of government budgets that invest in opportunity and promote economic vitality. We look forward to working closely with him to achieve these goals. But his overriding concern is bringing people together across all the lines of difference of color, of gender, of geography, and of party loyalty.

              And he devotes every ounce of his considerable energy to these tasks. In fact, when our new governor needs a thorough, aerobic workout, he doesn't go to a gym--he gives a speech.

              So now, let me clear away the water pitchers, get out of harm's way, and ask you all to join me in giving a joyous and rousing welcome to the Twentieth Governor of the State of Washington, the Honorable Mike Lowry.


              Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, distinguished Justices of the Supreme Court, members of the Legislature and elected officials, Reverend McKinney, dedicated public employees, honored guests, and fellow citizens of the state of Washington.

              Before I begin my remarks, let me acknowledge two more people who have joined us today--Governor Booth Gardner and Jean Gardner.

              Our goal in moving forward will be all the more achievable due to the innovative and courageous contributions of Governor Gardner. Thank you, Booth, for leaving behind such a solid foundation on which we may build the future progress of Washington State.

              And thank you, Jean, for your leadership in so many fields and especially in fostering the arts and appreciating the heritage of our state. You may trust that your legacy will be in good hands, and we can only hope to equal the vision and dedication you brought to our state.

              It is a great honor to serve as governor of our beautiful state and I want to thank all who have made today possible, especially my friends and family. It is, of course, impossible to thank everyone individually but grant me the privilege of acknowledging my best friend and closest advisor, Mary Lowry, our daughter Diane, my niece and nephew Ann and Keith Ventress, my sister Suellen Lowry Hibschman, and my mother Helen Lowry. Thank you all.

              Finally, let me thank the voters of Washington State for the privilege to stand here before you in this, the people's house. My pledge to them and to you is never to forget that within these walls I am a servant--not a master.

              Many have asked why I am so optimistic about our state's future. The answer is simple: it is the tremendously positive attitude of the people and their desire to work together for progress--Democrat, Republican, Independent, one state working together for the good of all. And I know that is the attitude of the elected officials in this room, to all work together to get the job done.

              Certainly, we face a difficult budget problem, but it is one we can and will solve--without IOU's, without gimmicks, without smoke and mirrors. We will write fair and fiscally sound budget that lays a solid foundation for a better future.

              A better future for all of our state's families and businesses because with your leadership and cooperation we will begin the task of reining in the run-away costs for health care, and we will begin to reap the benefits of preventative health care and healthy people. If we had passed health care reform in 1981, we would not be facing a state budget deficit in 1993. We must and we will pass health care reform this year.

              A better future for our children and our economy because with your leadership and cooperation we will build an education system second to none--from preschool through high school, from our community colleges and technical institutes through our four-year and research universities. We must and we will provide the caliber of education we need to train the very best professionals and workers that we need to attract and keep creative investment and innovative businesses, and that we need to secure our economic vitality for decades to come. We must not make the penny wise and pound foolish mistake of serious cuts in our education system. We must and we will pass education reform.

              Education reform that includes "readiness to learn." I believe the most important education issue of all is the effect of the living conditions of the child outside the classroom. It must be almost impossible to learn if you are hungry or sick or homeless, and yet in our great state we have thousands of children hungry and sick and homeless. That is wrong, and we must commit ourselves to change that.

              And we must get to the roots of why our prisons and jails are bursting at the seams at the cost of $27,000 per person per year. We spend six times more per year on a prisoner than a community college student. We need to put more judgment back into our justice system, and we must offer more opportunity and hope for a well-paying job for all our people. Let's give education and opportunity and hope a chance.

              Let us build a solid foundation with a more streamlined state government, consolidated functions, and all agencies more accountable to the people they serve. We must and we will make state government more efficient, and we extend the hand of partnership to the private sector to meet our responsibilities in building a strong economy.

              A better future for today's citizens and all the generations to come because with your leadership and cooperation we will set new standards for environmental stewardship and community investment. We must commit ourselves to protecting our natural beauty and resources and meeting community needs in ways that will strengthen our economic opportunities; improve the quality of our air and water; safeguard our wilderness and scenic areas; and provide a modern transportation system and sound infrastructure for the balance of this decade, well into the Twenty-First century. Good environmental policy, and good economic policy go hand in hand.

              With your leadership and cooperation we must and we will accomplish all of these things--because that's why the people sent us here. The voters went to the polls last November not to promote an ideology but to solve real problems in the community and their daily lives.

              We must not disappoint the voters. If we fail to meet their expectations, if we fall back into the old habits of partisan rancor and institutional gridlock, more than just our reputations will suffer. We will undermine the whole cause of public investment and service, and thereby, deprive the people of their rightful due.

              So I pledge to all of you in this room and to all who might hear or read my words that I will join with the Legislature and the judiciary and with all the institutions of the state, public and private, as a partner and a fellow worker. I will roll up my sleeves, loosen my tie, and put my shoulder to the wheel with all of you to deliver the goods that our people need, expect and deserve.

              The test of our success in this enterprise will not be an abstract measure of new laws or politics. It will be counted in concrete results in the vitality of the economy and the quality of daily life for our citizens.

              Before I end this speech--and yes, it will end--let me add a word about the ethics of public service.

              The most important political issue in America and in our state today is to rebuild the credibility of our political system. This great democracy depends upon integrity.

              That is why I insisted on a totally positive campaign. I wanted to prove that the good people of Washington State would support a totally positive campaign, and they did. I placed campaign contribution limits on our campaign, because I wanted to prove the good people of the state of Washington would support a campaign that strictly limited special interest financing by participating with their small contributions, and they did in record breaking fashion. Please join with me to reject once and for all the destructiveness of negative campaigns. Please join with me in the further pursuit of comprehensive campaign finance reform, until we get the job done.

              I believe that being a servant of the people, whether as an employee, an elected official, a member of a commission or board, or a consultant, is the highest honor an individual can attain. To be entrusted with the public's interest also imposes the most demanding standards and expectations for professional conduct.

              To this end, one of my first official acts as Governor of the state of Washington shall be to issue an Executive Order directing all officials and employees to employ the highest standards of professional conduct. That order will include a mission statement of open government, citizen participation, and the elimination of all discrimination.

              All citizens are entitled to equal service, protection and opportunity regardless of race, sex, age, national origin, religion--and sexual orientation.

              On this last point, let me add that the wonderful people of Washington will tolerate many things, but intolerance is not one of them. We must remain a leader in fighting discrimination in all its forms, and that happens to be good business, too.

              A few moments ago I noted the mood--or moods--of the electorate last fall. I found them to be both anxious and hopeful about the future and about the role of government in helping to solve the problems facing our state.

              That is where we begin the work of this administration in partnership with this Legislature and the public. But let us imagine how our work might end. Envision for a moment a time four years hence when we look back and take pride in a state government--

              That met its responsibilities in providing for a vibrant and healthy economy...

              That approved a comprehensive reform of our health care system that guaranteed every citizen uniform access to the highest quality health service...

              That reinvented public education by mandating the highest caliber of instruction, by restoring local control and innovation, by assuring sufficient state resources to meet each school district's needs, and by expanding access to quality colleges and universities...

              That moved our state into the Twenty-first Century with an integrated transportation system...

              That opened new doors through which citizens can pass from dependency to independence...

              That created exciting opportunities for public-private partnerships like the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition...

              That made the strategic investments in human resources and facilities to transform Washington into a magnet for new investment and international trade...

              That tackled the long overdue challenges of collective bargaining and of reforming the civil service system for the good of our valued public employees and all our state's citizens...

              That cultivated the arts, safeguarded the historic landmarks, and protected the heritage of the diverse cultures which make Washington whole and unique...

              That secured a legacy of productive farms and fisheries, new recreational opportunities, healthy wildlife, protected wilderness, clean air and water, and rational growth management for future generations...

              That freed our political system from the blight of special interest campaign financing and negative campaigns...

              And that pounded a stake through the ugly heart of prejudice and bigotry once and for all...

              If we can achieve these goals, we will earn the trust invested in us by the voters. And the people will be able to say: They did the job we elected them to do.

              Which, for a public servant, is the highest praise possible. Thank you.

              The President of the Senate instructed the special committee to escort the Governor back to his office.

              The President of the Senate instructed the special committee to escort the Supreme Courts from the House Chambers.

              The President of the Senate instructed the special committee to escort the Elected Officials to the State Reception Room.

              The President: The Governor of the Supreme Court and the Elected Officials will receive congratulations in the State Reception Room.


              On motion of Representative Hine, the Joint Session was dissolved.

              The President of the Senate returned the gavel to the Speaker.

              The Speaker instructed the Sergeants at Arms of the House and the Senate to escort President of the Senate Joel Pritchard, President Pro Tempore Lorraine Wojhan, Vice-President Pro Tempore Al Williams, Majority Leader Mark Gaspard and Minority Leader George Sellers from the House Chambers.



HB 1042              by Representatives King, Jacobsen, Orr, Springer and Lemmon


AN ACT Relating to ballast discharge; amending RCW 88.46.010; adding new sections to chapter 88.46 RCW; creating a new section; and making an appropriation.


Referred to Committee on Fisheries & Wildlife.


HB 1043              by Representatives Schmidt, Appelwick, Morris, Long, Ballasiotes, Riley, Springer, Shin, Brough, Eide, Johanson, Fuhrman, Silver and J. Kohl


AN ACT Relating to method of execution; amending RCW 10.95.180; and prescribing penalties.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1044              by Representatives Carlson, Shin, Ballard, Brumsickle, Thomas, Ballasiotes, Miller, Foreman, Schoesler, Dyer, Quall, Basich, Morris, Springer, Brough, Chandler, Chappell and Kessler


AN ACT Relating to political party declaration in a presidential preference primary; and amending RCW 29.18.200, 29.19.030, 29.19.040, 29.19.050, and 29.19.060.


Referred to Committee on State Government.


HB 1045              by Representatives Orr, Mastin, Riley, Zellinsky, Roland, Sheldon, Dorn, R. Meyers, Grant, Kremen, Ludwig, R. Fisher, Morris, R. Johnson, Scott, Bray, Talcott, Campbell, Rayburn, Padden, Foreman, Dyer, Sheahan, Ballasiotes, Long, Springer, Stevens, Brumsickle, Horn, Forner, Miller, Schmidt, Sehlin, Edmondson, Hansen, Lemmon, Schoesler, Morton, Fuhrman, Tate, Vance, Thomas, Mielke, Chandler, Lisk, Wood, Cooke, Sommers and Silver


AN ACT Relating to working hours for minors; and amending RCW 49.12.121 and 49.30.030.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HB 1046              by Representatives Basich, Sheldon, Kessler, Holm, Riley, Jones and L. Johnson; by request of Office of Financial Management


AN ACT Relating to Grays Harbor Community College; making an appropriation; and declaring an emergency.


Referred to Committee on Appropriations.


HB 1047              by Representatives Rust, Horn, Valle, Long, Springer, Brough, Forner, Miller, Edmondson, Lemmon, Tate, Chandler, Wood, Roland and J. Kohl


AN ACT Relating to solid waste received from outside the state; adding a new section to chapter 70.95 RCW; and declaring an emergency.


Referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs.


HB 1048              by Representatives Rust, Horn and Springer; by request of Law Revision Commission


AN ACT Relating to correcting a double amendment relating to orders issued by the pollution control hearings board; and repealing RCW 70.94.222.


Referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs.


HB 1049              by Representatives Riley, Kremen, G. Fisher, King, Orr, Brumsickle, Dorn, Romero, Appelwick, Springer and Sheldon


AN ACT Relating to video reproduction games; amending RCW 9.46.0311, 9.46.0325, 9.46.070, and 9.46.110; reenacting and amending RCW 9.46.230; and adding new sections to chapter 9.46 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HB 1050              by Representatives Scott, Orr and Roland


AN ACT Relating to obstructing a public servant; amending RCW 9A.76.020; and prescribing penalties.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1051              by Representatives Scott, Van Luven, Talcott, Riley, Foreman, Long, Orr, Brough, Forner, Miller, Lemmon, Johanson, Tate, Vance, Wood, Cooke and Roland


AN ACT Relating to emergency management; amending RCW 9.95.210 and 38.52.010; adding a new section to chapter 38.52 RCW; and creating a new section.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1052              by Representatives Scott, G. Cole, Wineberry, Eide, Wang, Franklin, Anderson and Thibaudeau


AN ACT Relating to handgun control; reenacting and amending RCW 9.41.010; adding a new section to chapter 9.41 RCW; and prescribing penalties.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1053              by Representatives Heavey and Johanson


AN ACT Relating to the registration of athlete agents; and amending RCW 18.175.020 and 18.175.030.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HB 1054              by Representatives King, Heavey, Lisk, R. Meyers, Springer, Chandler, G. Cole, Horn, Dyer, Basich and Thomas


AN ACT Relating to the minimum rate of compensation for recreational vessel and recreational vessel trailer salespeople; and amending RCW 49.46.130.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HB 1055              by Representatives Franklin, Edmondson, Brough, Eide, Roland, Ogden and J. Kohl


AN ACT Relating to property tax exemptions for nonprofit character- building, benevolent, protective, or rehabilitative social service agencies; amending RCW 84.36.030, 84.36.031, and 84.36.810; reenacting and amending RCW 84.36.805; and creating a new section.


Referred to Committee on Revenue.


HB 1056              by Representatives Franklin, Zellinsky, Thibaudeau, Quall, Wineberry, Ludwig, Campbell, Romero, Jones, Springer, Shin, Wolfe, Karahalios, Ogden, J. Kohl and Anderson


AN ACT Relating to housing; and adding a new chapter to Title 43 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Trade, Economic Development & Housing.


HB 1057              by Representatives Franklin, Zellinsky, Campbell and Springer


AN ACT Relating to correction of double amendments relating to regulation of mobile and manufactured homes; reenacting and amending RCW 46.12.290; and reenacting RCW 46.04.302.


Referred to Committee on Trade, Economic Development & Housing.


HB 1058              by Representatives Franklin, Zellinsky, Campbell, Kremen, Padden and L. Johnson


AN ACT Relating to public hospital districts; adding a new section to chapter 70.44 RCW; and providing a contingent effective date.


Referred to Committee on Local Government.


HB 1059              by Representatives Franklin, Scott, Anderson, R. Fisher, Thibaudeau, Ludwig, Pruitt, Jacobsen, Flemming, J. Kohl, Wineberry, Riley, G. Cole, Forner, Appelwick, Johanson, Karahalios and Wang


AN ACT Relating to the possession of weapons in court facilities; amending RCW 9.41.300 and 9.41.290; and adding a new section to chapter 9.41 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1060              by Representatives Franklin, Scott, Thibaudeau, Jacobsen, G. Cole, Appelwick, Eide, Johanson, Karahalios, Leonard, R. Johnson, Pruitt, Roland, Wang, J. Kohl and Anderson


AN ACT Relating to forfeiture of firearms; and amending RCW 9.41.098.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1061              by Representatives Rayburn, Chandler, Schoesler, Lisk, Grant, Hansen and Morton


AN ACT Relating to irrigation districts; amending RCW 87.03.530; adding new sections to chapter 87.03 RCW; and adding a new section to chapter 36.93 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Agriculture & Rural Development.


HB 1062              by Representatives Rayburn, Chandler, Schoesler, Kremen, Grant, Roland, Sheahan, Lemmon, Morton and Lisk


AN ACT Relating to the repeal of the sunset provisions for the international marketing program for agricultural commodities and trade; and repealing RCW 43.131.329 and 43.131.330.


Referred to Committee on Agriculture & Rural Development.


HB 1063              by Representatives Rayburn, Chandler, Chappell, Grant, Roland, Ludwig, Riley, Padden, Hansen, Lemmon and Lisk


AN ACT Relating to the Washington wine commission; and amending RCW 66.12.180 and 66.24.210.


Referred to Committee on Agriculture & Rural Development.


HB 1064              by Representatives G. Cole, Van Luven, G. Fisher, Cothern, Dorn, Holm, Leonard, Jones, Rust, R. Fisher, Jacobsen, King, Dellwo, Scott, Morris, Wang, Thibaudeau, Romero, Valle, Pruitt, Appelwick, Basich, J. Kohl, Anderson, Ogden, H. Myers, Wineberry, Riley, Brown, Long, Orr, Shin, Horn, Forner, Eide, Wolfe, Johanson, Kessler and Veloria


AN ACT Relating to corporal punishment; amending RCW 9A.16.100; creating a new section; and providing an effective date.


Referred to Committee on Education.


HB 1065              by Representatives G. Cole, Campbell, G. Fisher, Dorn, Jones, Jacobsen, Lemmon, Johanson, Roland, L. Johnson, Cothern, J. Kohl and Franklin


AN ACT Relating to student pedestrian safety; adding new sections to chapter 28A.160 RCW; creating a new section; making an appropriation; and providing an expiration date.


Referred to Committee on Education.


HB 1066              by Representatives Bray, Edmondson and H. Myers


AN ACT Relating to awarding contracts by water or sewer districts; and amending RCW 56.08.070 and 57.08.050.


Referred to Committee on Local Government.


HB 1067              by Representatives Orr, Mielke, Dellwo, King, Franklin, Ludwig, Riley, Brown, Jones, Holm, Chappell, Pruitt and J. Kohl


AN ACT Relating to public employee collective bargaining; amending RCW 41.56.460; and reenacting and amending RCW 41.56.030.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HB 1068              by Representatives Padden, Appelwick, Ludwig, Riley, Chappell, Campbell, Schmidt, Long, Tate, Ballasiotes, Dyer, Johanson and Thomas


AN ACT Relating to registration of transfer on death securities; and adding a new chapter to Title 21 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1069              by Representatives Ludwig, Mielke, Riley, Mastin, Bray, Orr, Vance, H. Myers, Lisk, R. Johnson, Grant, Basich, Edmondson, Schmidt, Campbell, Van Luven, Rayburn, Foreman, Ballasiotes, Long, Kremen, Brough, Brumsickle, Horn, Forner, Karahalios, Chandler, Wood, Cooke, Roland and Silver


AN ACT Relating to seizure of property; and adding a new chapter to Title 10 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1070              by Representatives Ludwig, Mastin, Orr, Chandler, Basich, R. Johnson, Foreman, Grant, Kremen, Lisk, Edmondson, Riley, Chappell, Campbell, Scott, Wineberry, Van Luven, Talcott, Rayburn, Padden, Dyer, Sheahan, Ballasiotes, Flemming, Long, Springer, Holm, Brumsickle, Horn, Forner, Miller, R. Meyers, Lemmon, Schoesler, Morton, Johanson, Tate, Vance, Thomas, Karahalios, Mielke, Wood, Cooke, Roland and Silver


AN ACT Relating to sentencing persons for crimes committed while armed with a firearm; amending RCW 9.94A.310, 9A.36.041, 9A.36.070, 9A.52.100, 9A.56.050, 9A.76.020, 9A.76.130, and 9.94A.370; and prescribing penalties.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1071              by Representatives Ludwig, Orr, Riley, R. Johnson, Van Luven, Foreman, Ballasiotes, Long, Kremen, Springer, Brough, Horn, Forner, Basich, Jacobsen, Edmondson, Lemmon, Tate, Vance, Mielke, Chandler, Lisk, Wood, Cooke and Silver


AN ACT Relating to concurrent and consecutive sentences of adult offenders; amending RCW 9.94A.400; and prescribing penalties.


Referred to Committee on Corrections.


HB 1072              by Representatives Appelwick, Ludwig, Johanson and Ogden


AN ACT Relating to guardians ad litem; and amending RCW 26.09.220, 26.10.130, 26.12.060, and 26.12.175.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1073              by Representatives Appelwick and Johanson


AN ACT Relating to judges; and amending RCW 4.12.050.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1074              by Representatives Ludwig, Padden, Appelwick and Johanson


AN ACT Relating to corporations; amending RCW 18.100.120, 50.04.165, and 23B.14.300; and adding a new section to chapter 23B.07 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1075              by Representatives Padden, Appelwick, Ludwig and Johanson


AN ACT Relating to references to the Internal Revenue Code; amending RCW 11.02.005, 11.108.010, 11.108.020, 11.108.025, 11.108.050, 11.110.200, 11.110.210, 11.110.220, 83.100.020, 83.110.010, and 83.110.050; and repealing RCW 11.110.240.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1076              by Representatives Ludwig, Padden, Appelwick, Orr and Johanson


AN ACT Relating to the distribution of income earned during administration of a decedent's estate; and amending RCW 11.104.050.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1077              by Representatives Ludwig, Padden, Appelwick, Orr, Johanson and Karahalios


AN ACT Relating to the revocation of nonprobate asset arrangements for divorce or invalidation of marriage; amending RCW 11.02.005; and adding a new chapter to Title 11 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1078              by Representatives Appelwick, Padden, Ludwig, Orr and Johanson


AN ACT Relating to nontestamentary characterization of interests passing at death; adding new sections to chapter 11.02 RCW; and repealing RCW 11.02.090.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1079              by Representatives Appelwick, Padden, Ludwig, Orr, Basich and Johanson; by request of Law Revision Commission


AN ACT Relating to review of eminent domain judgments; amending RCW 8.12.200; and declaring an emergency.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HB 1080              by Representatives Valle, Quall, Franklin, Flemming, G. Cole, Eide, Roland and Veloria


AN ACT Relating to contracts for admission to nursing homes; and adding new sections to chapter 18.51 RCW.


Referred to Committee on Health Care.


HB 1081              by Representatives Heavey and Eide


AN ACT Relating to public employee collective bargaining; amending RCW 41.56.460 and 41.56.123; reenacting and amending RCW 41.56.030; and repealing RCW 41.56.495.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HB 1082              by Representatives Heavey, Veloria, G. Cole, Springer, Padden, Valle, Scott, Brough, Jacobsen, Wineberry, Lemmon, Karahalios, Pruitt and Roland


AN ACT Relating to alcohol abuse and underage drinking among college and university students; adding a new section to chapter 28B.80 RCW; and creating a new section.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HJR 4200            by Representatives Franklin, Zellinsky, Campbell and Kremen


Amending the Constitution to permit municipalities and state agencies to employ chaplains.


Referred to Committee on Local Government.


HJR 4201            by Representatives Ludwig, Padden, Appelwick, Foreman and Johanson


Amending the Constitution to provide that superior courts and district courts have concurrent jurisdiction in cases in equity.


Referred to Committee on Judiciary.


HCR 4402           by Representatives Heavey, Veloria, Wineberry, Lemmon, Chappell and Pruitt


Encouraging brewers to adopt voluntary advertising standards and creating a joint select committee on alcohol advertising.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


HCR 4403           by Representatives Heavey, Veloria, Long, Shin, Forner, Schmidt, R. Meyers, Johanson, Leonard, Chandler, Lisk, Pruitt, Ballasiotes and Morris


Advocating the creation of a task force to study issues on gambling.


Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.


              On motion of Representative Hine, the bills, memorials, resolutions listed on today's introduction sheet under the fourth order of business were referred to the committees so designated.


              The Speaker: As you know, on January 13 we are going to lose a colleague, Representative Lorraine Hine, who will be resigning from her House seat in order to assume her new responsibilities as Governor-elect Mike Lowry's legislative liaison.

              Although Lorraine will be back with us in a different capacity, it is appropriate that we honor her tremendous service to this state. Lorraine has accomplished a great deal in her twelve years in Olympia, and it has been a pleasure for all of us to serve with her. Today she becomes the first woman to serve as House Majority Leader, a service that will regrettably last only three days.

              Representative R. Fisher: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Lorraine I'm going to miss you. This institution is going to miss you. But you'll not be far away. My ten years here have been made more enjoyable, more meaningful, and more productive because of you. Good luck on your new journey and remember that every Governor and every Governor's agent needs to recognize that transportation is important in this state. So as the songs go, "So long; it's been good to know you and we'll meet again."

              Representative Brough: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Following the previous speaker, this may be our last chance to lobby her. Since the shoe will be on the other foot and she will be lobbying us. It's been my pleasure to be lobbying Lorraine for ten years. I think that Governor Lowry has chosen well. We have a local newspaper who usually calls women bright and articulate when they give an endorsement and I think that bright and articulate are certainly two terms that appropriately apply to Representative Hine. She understands local government, she understands the legislative process, and she understands budgeting better than most anybody else in here, especially that particular combination. She's remarkably well suited for the job that Lowry has chosen her for. But, I also want to put in my plugs. I hope, Lorraine, that you carry your opposition to the third runway at Sea-Tac into the governor's office. I've been lobbying for my colleague here about Moses Lake. The issue that we worked most closely together on over the past few years was the Metro reorganization. It took us about three or four runs at the Senate before we gave it up. The ACLU fortunately picked it up and it came to pass, finally through the courts and through the vote of the public in King county. But the results were positive and I know that we both feel good about that. I also want to publicly thank her again for her support for the wetlands and hope that when she goes into the governor's office she recognizes that the Interpretive Center is not yet built and additional funding is needed. So, I wish you well, and like I say, it has been my pleasure to lobby you for the last few years. It has been my pleasure to call you friend. Good luck.

              Representative Rust: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Lorraine and I were one of the smallest classes on record in this Legislature. There were only four of us but gender ratio was very good. There were two women and two men and that's the way it ought to be. Even though there were only four of us we have this wonderful record of togetherness because we sat together for twelve long years. And this year Joe King decided not to run for election and so there are only three. But for a short time we really had a wonderful gender ratio, two women and only one man. Now Lorraine is leaving us and Art and I are going to be left to work together and we've shown a pretty good gender ratio but it is a ratio we need to have for the whole House of Representatives. I know that Mike has already committed himself to protecting the environment and I really appreciate your help in that arena over the years. I don't think I need to lobby you. I'm just going to continue to ask for your support and I'm going to support the governor's efforts to protect the environment. Thanks.

              Representative Miller: Thank you Mr. Speaker, members of the House. Well, Lorraine you should have consulted me before you made this decision because I was really looking forward to working with Lorraine as the Majority Leader. When I'd heard that she became the Majority Leader and I managed to be re-elected as floor leader I thought, 'piece of cake, this is going to be great.' There will be no problems, no surprises, everything will be smooth. However I congratulate you and I congratulate Governor Lowry because it was a real smart move on his part. You'll be a wonderful Legislative liaison. You're well respected not only by people on both sides of the aisle here but also by people in the Senate. We've worked on enough joint committees together that I know that they respect you and that you will be able to work with them. I want to tell you a story that Lorraine told to me the first day that we had together on the floor as freshmen here. That was 1983 and we were having school and Lorraine as a leader of her caucus was participating in this school. She took me aside and she said "Look around this room; you're going to make very close friends here. That you will work very closely together; they will be like family but look around again because in a few days the same people may not all be here. Lorraine, you will be missed.

              Representative Wang: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I too want to rise in just recognizing and celebrating Lorraine, and state how much I too have enjoyed our years together here. We came in, in a very tough year with only four of us on this side. There are only, I believe now, going to be four of us in the entire Legislature from that group from 1980, considering both sides of the aisle here, but over the years we were successful in achieving a lot of different things. One message though, that I think is important to consider, something I'm not going to lobby you on, but one message that is important, that when we first got here, Denny Heck would always come around and walk up to these little name plates here and would illustrate the point about how easily they slide in and out. Lorraine we will miss you.

              Representative Leonard: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Lorraine has been a neighbor and a mentor of mine from way back and we definitely are going to miss you, Lorraine, but I'm awfully glad you're going where you're going. I know we think alike on a lot of the human services issues that we're going to be asking the governor's support on and I know the governor has some ideas about a lot of the things he was talking about today that we're going to have to support here. So, we're going to look forward to continuing to work with you and assuming you're still going to be a neighbor and we really congratulate you. The Governor made a marvelous selection; he could not have done better. Our prayers and thoughts and goodwill go with you and we'll see a lot of you. Thank you for your mentorship, for your goodwill and for all the lessons you've taught us. Thank you.

              Representative Wineberry: Thank you Mr. Speaker. It gives me great honor and even a misty moment to stand and to say to Lorraine that we are going to miss her. I am, in the company of most of you, we were not of Representative Hine's class and many of us will always remember her as the person that gathered our caucus together. For years all of us have served as the mentees under this mentor as we have strived to get on her list. We have strived to get on her list so that we could be recognized to give our two cents in the caucus discussions. She is an executive's executive. Many who may not know should take note that this is a woman who has been a mayor before she was a legislator. Mayor of Des Moines. And now she comes full circle in moving back into the executive branch and certainly a higher level of government. Now we will be doing everything in our power to not be on this woman's list, especially the bad list. But we certainly look forward to working with you. I'm not going to say so long but to use a CD vernacular-later.

              Representative Edmondson: Thank you Mr. Speaker, members of the House. Lorraine, we go back a long way. You were mayor of Des Moines and I was mayor of Yakima and I discovered your wit, your charm, your fairness, and certainly enjoyed serving with you and after achieving the national level also when you were mayor. But I came to the House as a freshman last term and I saw your smiling face and you came up and gave me a warm welcome and I thought, 'good' because you're an asset wherever you are. We'll miss you in the House but you're not far away and once again you'll be an asset wherever you serve. Nice knowing you.

              Representative Padden: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Ladies and gentlemen of the House. I guess I'm one of the four that's left in our class. The thing that I'm going to miss most about Lorraine on the floor, and what really hasn't been mentioned, is her great ability in debate, to represent either side of the aisle on so many issues and representing so well. I've always admired your articulateness. I remember one time we were debating, and I do remember the issue but no need going into it, Representative Hine proudly indicated that she was a do-gooder. She was always really quick and did do an excellent job so you'll miss that part of it but I wish you well in your new position and congratulations.

              Representative Kohl: Lorraine, I'm a relatively new member of the Legislature and I'd like to extend my appreciation to you. One year ago when I was appointed you were really one of the instrumental ones in helping me make the adjustment to the Legislature. And even though your tenure as Majority Leader was rather brief you're still the first woman as Majority Leader and what you're doing is paving the way for many women to follow you. I think you have been very instrumental in making Washington State the number one state in the country with women in the Legislature. So, thank you.

              Representative Long: Thank you Mr. Speaker. My memories of you, Lorraine, go back to the Association of Washington Cities and I believe the first time I heard you, you made a presentation to Puget Sound Council of Governments in Snohomish County and you were impressive and we followed your lead. And then when I came to Olympia and you welcomed the class of freshmen, you said "Welcome to Fantasy Island." I'll never forget that. You called it correctly. I think one of the things that hasn't been said about you, a lot of wonderful things, is that you're very perceptive and that you really know and understand people. And that will bode well for you in whatever role you play. Certainly anyone who can raise six children has to be good at that. It's been a pleasure to know you and I just look forward to seeing you more in the future.

              Representative Silver: Yes Lorraine, we will all miss you. I remember being called into Lorraine's office numerous times and she would say, "We've got a little problem here. Do you want to come for a little while." And there were several of us that would join with Lorraine. And the one thing that I appreciated about it is that she went right to the heart of the problem. You didn't have to waste a lot of detail, you knew right where she was coming from and where the problem existed. And we sat there and worked out a lot of things that made you feel kind of proud of all of us. I appreciate the work you did on the pension policy commission. That very easy committee, very easy. But she did a good job there, we worked hard, we worked together and it's a delight to have you here. I'm glad I had the opportunity to know you and I'll look forward to dealing with you from now on. That will be very much fun. Good luck to you Lorraine, you deserve it.

              Representative Heavey: Thank you Mr. Speaker, the most beautiful district in this state. Lorraine I wasn't going to say anything, but I thought about our relationship and at times I felt, most times, felt like one of your students or one of your children. I had a feeling you were kind of an iron-handed person and I tried to remember some bit of wisdom you might have given me or story you might have told me but I couldn't think of any. But one thing I've noticed about you, in my opinion, the quality that I hope you will take down to the governor's office, is that you have time and time again, looked at both sides and understood both sides of the issue and have respected both sides of the issue, whether or not you've agreed with that issue and that is a quality around here that is sometimes very lacking. I always appreciated that about you and wish you luck in the Governor's office.

              Representative Thibaudeau: Thank you Mr. Speaker. My admiration for this lady is outweighed by my apprehension at standing up here but I do know, how many of us know, that the parents and children of this state owe Representative Hine a great, great debt. A few years ago during the waning days of the session, probably the last day actually, prenatal care was in great doubt. It was Representative Hine who went over to that other body and worked out a compromise and prenatal passed on the last day of the session. So I, and the other parents of this state, say thank you and we look forward to working with you.

              Representative G. Fisher: Thank you Mr. Speaker. One part mentor. The first time I ran for office she gave me the best political advice I've ever received. She said "Greg, you're too young, don't tell jokes on the campaign trail. They'll think you're cocky." And I didn't tell a single joke and here I am. One part friend. In good times and bad you've always been there. And on occasion, one part Mother. Most of the time that's been appreciated too. There's been a lot of talents and abilities assessed to you today whether it be the acerbic wit or the brutal honesty or the legislative prowess and the list goes on and on. But I think your greatest gift is your ability to treat everyone with dignity. No matter how powerful you got or how busy you were you always had time to say something kind to somebody else and that will always be remembered. But I thought today was going to be sad but having heard the governor's speech I figured I was going to see you a lot in revenue this year. God bless, and we love you.

              Representative Valle: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I've known Lorraine as a neighbor, as a political figure, and I must say I didn't think very much of local government until you came and then you really impressed me. But one thing that really hasn't been said here is, that under the King speakership this was our second speaker, and you had only to listen to her in our meetings, in our local meetings, in our own districts, and I've had the pleasure of serving with you. I look forward to it. I think you've got a big, big job, after listening to our new governor; I'm willing to help. Thank you very much for being here.

              Representative Ballard: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Representative Lorraine Hine. You are a class act. You've been a delight to work with. We've had some great debates. We've not always agreed but it has been challenging and fun. We've appreciated as a caucus working with you. You've been fair, at times a little tough, but we look forward to a continuing relationship and wish you the very best. And it has been a pleasure.

              Representative Peery: Thank you Mr Speaker. Last week with Lorraine's announcement, it was pretty emotional for a lot of us and personally, I guess, would have to admit it, kind of took me back to some emotions I felt when my sister first let me know that she was going on to college. I knew it would be best for her. I knew I was going to miss her and then I realized I got a car. With or without the car, Lorraine, you have indeed been the model of a modern major general when it comes to leadership in the House of Representatives. She's been, as all of you know, the leader in caucus, chair for our caucus for the past ten years. She not only served in that role; she carved and made that role into what it is and will continue to be. Her loyalty, her appreciation of this institution, is shared by all of us. It's very understandable that Mike Lowry would make the decision he made; it's unfortunately understandable that Representative Hine would decide to honor that request by the governor to serve in that capacity. I would only ask you one other thing, as we have been going through a lot of traditions lately here on the floor. There seems to be a tradition from the governor's office of the individuals coming from the Legislature to serve in a capacity of legislative liaison. And so if we can change one tradition, beginning perhaps tomorrow, could that be that we maybe have a limit of one legislative story per member visit. Thank you very much.

              Representative Hine: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Some lag of the past once said there are three things you should never do. Try to climb a wall that is leaning towards you or try to kiss a girl that is leaning away from you or be the last speaker before lunch. I am trying to be that big brave speaker you have all described and so you'll bear with me and I'll try to keep it all together. Mr Speaker, I thank you for your generous words, I thank you for the opportunity to serve with you as I have in a leadership role, and I sincerely regret that I will not be continuing in this capacity. I'm truly torn because I believe that you are going to do a fine job and that the leadership team assembled with Representative Peery and Representative Sommers will carry on with you in good stead. My dear colleagues, the new people haven't heard me say this before, the old ones have but allow me one more time. This is the most exclusive marvelous club that you will ever belong to. You will have no closer relationships in anything you do in your entire lives. We work together, we fight together, and we come out with good service for the state of Washington. We have to fight like everything to get here and I don't know sometimes how we do it but the caliber of individuals who serve in this legislative assembly, the House of Representatives, is an organization that I hold dear to me. I was torn to think of leaving it, but we all have to go on. There is life after the Legislature and I intend to do that. My sincere thanks for all the kind remarks made by so many of you; I feel like I was presiding at my own wake. The kind of respect and the kind of friendships that I've had with Representative Ballard, Miller, Brough, and all the rest on that side and all of you on this side, my very close relationship with my good friends the Representatives Fishers. You really all have been so supportive and great. I leave the district in good hands with my dear friend and colleague Greg. He's been the most wonderful district-mate. Frankly, I think, Greg, we've been the envy of this House. Not too many district-mates get along as well as you and I do and I didn't know you didn't like some of that mothering or I'd probably put it on anyway. If I may be permitted to make a couple of other thank yous. One doesn't give twelve years to this institution without a lot of people making that possible and for me, my husband Bill, how many years is it? Thirty-seven, thirty-eight, something like that. We have a fifty-five Chevy so how many years ago is fifty-five? Oldsmobile, sorry about that. Of my six children my one daughter Wendy is here today. You know they have to give up a lot for me to be here. And I sincerely appreciate that. I hope that they have been able to learn and take something from the experience that makes up for some of the holes in the lives, where a mom and a wife usually are and were unable to be and I really appreciate that from them. I want to mention are the people who work here with the Legislature - the staff. Martha Payne, when she was caucus secretary, now she's got a more high falutin' management kind of job as coordinator or something or other, has been everybody's friend but my friend in particular. She has helped make tough moments lighter with her outrageous, irreverent humor and I sincerely appreciated that. To the members of my own personal staff, Jim and Val, Val's been with me ten years or eleven I guess it is, who simply made my office run smoothly and gave me the kind of support I needed. That being said there are a lot of people to thank and appreciate, all of the staff. That being said this is one of the hardest moments in my life. I sincerely thank you all. I wish you well. You are a wonderful group. Believe me, when I'm downstairs I'll be coming to you talking about what the governor wants, but you better know I'm going to be telling him what you want, because you're the important part of getting anything done. Thank you all so much for doing me this honor today; thank you for being there with me and I wish you well in the Session. I won't be far and I wish you well, Kim, in your new car. Mr. Speaker and all of you, I appreciate your spending some time here when you all have meetings and lunch to go to. Thank you; it's been wonderful, an experience of a lifetime will not ever be forgotten. You are all super and I appreciate it, and am over- whelmed by your generosity. Mr. Speaker, Thank you.

              There being no objection, the House advanced to the eleventh order of business.


              On motion of Representative Hine, the House adjourned until 10:00 a.m., Friday, January 15, 1993.