PDFRCW 41.40.098

Transfer of former service from judicial retirement system.

A former member of the Washington judicial retirement system who: (1) Is not serving as a judge on July 1, 1988; (2) has not retired under the applicable provisions of chapter 2.10 RCW; and (3) subsequently reacquires membership in the public employees' retirement system may, by written request filed with the director of retirement systems, transfer to the public employees' retirement system all periods of time served as a judge, as defined in *RCW 2.10.030(2). Upon such membership transfer being made, the department of retirement systems shall transfer the employer contributions and the employee's contributions and service from the judicial retirement system to the public employees' retirement system. The service shall be transferred and credited to the member as though the service was originally earned as a member of the public employees' retirement system.
[ 1988 c 109 s 6. Formerly RCW 41.40.542.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 2.10.030 was alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k), changing subsection (2) to subsection (5).
Effective date1988 c 109: See note following RCW 2.10.030.