Chapter 173-901 WAC

Last Update: 10/19/12


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF173-901-020Applicability—Who must comply with the chapter?
HTMLPDF173-901-030Applicability—Which friction materials must comply with this chapter?
HTMLPDF173-901-050Prohibition on the sale of certain brake friction materials.
HTMLPDF173-901-060Self-certification of compliance.
HTMLPDF173-901-070Which laboratories must a manufacturer of brake friction material use to certify compliance with this chapter?
HTMLPDF173-901-080How to test brake friction materials and report results.
HTMLPDF173-901-090Marked proof of certification.
HTMLPDF173-901-100Environmental compliance marking.
HTMLPDF173-901-110Reporting requirements for brake friction material manufacturers.
HTMLPDF173-901-120How will the department establish baseline concentration levels for copper, antimony, nickel, and zinc?
HTMLPDF173-901-130Applying for an exemption.
HTMLPDF173-901-140Process for reviewing an exemption application.
HTMLPDF173-901-150Brake friction material manufactured as part of an original equipment service contract (OESC).
HTMLPDF173-901-160Responsibilities of wholesalers, distributors, installers, and retailers of brake friction materials.
HTMLPDF173-901-170Responsibilities of vehicle manufacturers, vehicle dealers, and other people selling motor vehicles.