PDFWAC 246-310-824

Kidney disease treatment centersExceptions.

The department will not approve new stations in a planning area if the projections in WAC 246-310-812(4) show no net need, and will not approve more than the number of stations projected as needed unless:
(1) The proposed project qualifies under WAC 246-310-818 for special circumstances one- or two-station expansions; or
(2) All other applicable review criteria and standards have been met; and
(3) One or more of the following have been met:
(a) The department finds the additional stations are needed to be located reasonably close to the people they serve; or
(b) Existing dialysis stations in the kidney disease treatment center requesting the exception are operating at 5.5 patients for a 4.8 planning area or, 3.7 patients per station for the 3.2 planning areas. Data used to make this calculation must be from the most recent quarterly modality report from the Network as of the letter of intent submission date; or
(c) The applicant documents a significant change in ESRD treatment practice has occurred, affecting dialysis station use in the planning area; and
(4) The department finds that exceptional circumstances exist within the planning area and explains the approval of additional stations in writing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.38.135, 2023 c 48, and RCW 70.38.280. WSR 24-18-006, § 246-310-824, filed 8/22/24, effective 9/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.38.135. WSR 17-04-062, § 246-310-824, filed 1/27/17, effective 1/1/18.]