Chapter 388-831 WAC

Last Update: 8/4/16


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF388-831-0020What is the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0030Who are individuals with community protection issues?
HTMLPDF388-831-0040Who is covered by these rules?
HTMLPDF388-831-0050What steps are necessary for me to receive services through the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0060What is contained in the risk assessment?
HTMLPDF388-831-0065What if I refuse to participate in the risk assessment?
HTMLPDF388-831-0070What type of information will I receive from the division when I am considered for placement in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0080Will I be notified of the division's determination regarding placement in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0090Will I be notified if the division determines that I cannot be managed successfully in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0100How do I apply for the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0110What information about me will be shared with others if I am offered services in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0120What will my services be like in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0130What services may I receive in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0150Who can provide my therapy in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0160What services may you receive if you refuse placement in the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0200How often will my progress be reviewed?
HTMLPDF388-831-0210What is included in the review of my progress?
HTMLPDF388-831-0220When may I be considered for placement in a less restrictive residential setting?
HTMLPDF388-831-0230What is the process to move me to a less restrictive residential setting?
HTMLPDF388-831-0240Can I be terminated from the community protection program?
HTMLPDF388-831-0250Can I leave the community protection program at any time?
HTMLPDF388-831-0260What enforcement actions may the division take against a provider of residential services and support?
HTMLPDF388-831-0300What appeal rights do I have if I receive services through the division's community protection waiver?
HTMLPDF388-831-0400Am I entitled to placement on the community protection waiver?