PDFWAC 296-307-60005

Develop and maintain a written program.

This section does not apply to respirator use that is voluntary. See WAC 296-307-59805 for voluntary use program requirements.
You must:
(1) Develop a complete worksite-specific written respiratory protection program that includes the applicable elements listed in Table 3.
Pay for respirators, medical evaluations, fit testing, training, maintenance, travel costs, and wages.
You must:
(2) Keep your program current and effective by evaluating it and making corrections. Do all of the following:
• Make sure procedures and program specifications are followed and appropriate.
• Make sure selected respirators continue to be effective in protecting employees. For example:
– If changes in work area conditions, level of employee exposure, or employee physical stress have occurred, you need to reevaluate your respirator selection.
• Have supervisors periodically monitor employee respirator use to make sure employees are using them properly.
• Regularly ask employees required to use respirators about their views concerning program effectiveness and whether they have problems with:
– Respirator fit during use
– Any effects of respirator use on work performance
– Respirators being appropriate for the hazards encountered
– Proper use under current worksite conditions
– Proper maintenance.
When developing your written program include applicable elements listed in Table 3.
Table 3
Required Elements for Required-Use Respirator Programs
• Selection:
– Procedures for respirator selection
– A list specifying the appropriate respirator for each respiratory hazard in your workplace
– Procedures for issuing the proper type of respirator, if appropriate
• Medical evaluation provisions
• Fit-test provisions and procedures, if tight-fitting respirators are selected
• Training provisions that address:
– Respiratory hazards encountered during:
■ Routine activities
■ Infrequent activities, for example, bimonthly cleaning of equipment
■ Reasonably foreseeable emergencies, for example, rescue, spill response, or escape situations
– Proper use of respirators, for example, how to put on or remove respirators, and use limitations.
You do not need to repeat training on respiratory hazards if employees have been trained on this in compliance with other rules such as WAC 296-307-550, employer chemical hazard communication.
• Respirator use procedures for:
– Routine activities
– Infrequent activities
– Reasonably foreseeable emergencies
• Maintenance:
– Procedures and schedules for respirator maintenance covering:
■ Cleaning and disinfecting
■ Storage
■ Inspection and repair
■ When to discard respirators
– A cartridge or canister change schedule if air-purifying respirators are selected for use against gas or vapor contaminants and an end-of-service-life-indicator (ESLI) is not available. In addition, provide:
■ The data and other information you relied on to calculate change schedule values (for example, highest contaminant concentration estimates, duration of employee respirator use, expected maximum humidity levels, user breathing rates, and safety factors)
• Procedures to ensure a safe air quantity and quality if atmosphere-supplying respirators (air-line or SCBA) are selected
• Procedures for evaluating program effectiveness on a regular basis
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060. WSR 05-01-166, § 296-307-60005, filed 12/21/04, effective 4/2/05.]