Chapter 314-11 WAC

Last Update: 8/21/19


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF314-11-005What is the purpose of chapter 314-11 WAC?
HTMLPDF314-11-015What are my responsibilities as a liquor licensee?
HTMLPDF314-11-020What are the guidelines regarding sales to persons under twenty-one years of age and where persons under twenty-one are allowed on a licensed premises?
HTMLPDF314-11-025What are the acceptable forms of identification?
HTMLPDF314-11-030What if a person's identification meets the legal requirements but I still have doubts about his or her age?
HTMLPDF314-11-035What are the rules regarding sales to apparently intoxicated persons?
HTMLPDF314-11-040What duties can an employee under twenty-one years of age perform on a licensed premises?
HTMLPDF314-11-045Can musicians under twenty-one years of age entertain on a licensed premises that is restricted to persons twenty-one or older?
HTMLPDF314-11-050What types of conduct are prohibited on a premises with a liquor license?
HTMLPDF314-11-055What are the lighting requirements for a licensed premises?
HTMLPDF314-11-060What are the mandatory signs a licensee must post on a licensed premises?
HTMLPDF314-11-065What type of liquor is allowed on a licensed premises?
HTMLPDF314-11-070During what hours can I sell or serve liquor?
HTMLPDF314-11-072Does my premises have to be open to the general public at all times?
HTMLPDF314-11-080Can liquor be substituted?
HTMLPDF314-11-085Do I have to sell liquor at a certain price?
HTMLPDF314-11-090Does the board have the right to inspect my premises?
HTMLPDF314-11-095What records am I required to keep regarding my licensed premises?
HTMLPDF314-11-097Credit on nonliquor food items—Conditions—Recordkeeping.
HTMLPDF314-11-100Can the board or another government agency seize liquor?
HTMLPDF314-11-105What can the board do with lawfully seized liquor?
HTMLPDF314-11-110What can government agencies other than the board do with lawfully seized liquor?