PDFWAC 180-111-040

Emergency waiver of credit-based graduation requirements.

(1) Beginning from the date of approval of its waiver, in accordance with WAC 180-111-030, through July 31, 2020, in accordance with the establishing legislation, a local education agency may waive subject area credit graduation requirements outlined in subsection (2) of this section for individual students after completing all of the following requirements:
(a) The local education agency shall review the individual student's completed and planned coursework and determine that the student was on track to graduate, as defined in WAC 180-111-020.
(b) The local education agency shall demonstrate a good faith effort, as defined in WAC 180-111-020, to help the individual student meet credit-based graduation requirements through other options.
(c) The local education agency shall consult with the individual student, and make a reasonable effort to consult with a parent or guardian of the student, and shall make a reasonable effort to provide information about this waiver in the preferred languages of the student, and of the parent or guardian of the student if applicable. The information shall include, but is not limited to:
(i) What is being waived for the individual student;
(ii) Potential benefits and limitations that could result from receiving the waiver including impacts on high school graduation and postsecondary plans;
(iii) The option for the individual student to decline the waiver and for the student to be provided with the opportunity to earn the credits needed to complete graduation requirements through continued enrollment beyond the planned graduation date.
(2) Waived credit graduation requirements:
(a) Waived credit graduation requirements are limited to credits a student would have had the opportunity to earn by the end of the 2019-20 school year including:
(i) Courses and other credit-earning opportunities the student was enrolled in as of February 29, 2020; and
(ii) Credits that the student planned to complete by the end of the 2019-20 school year as defined in RCW 28A.150.203 for terms not yet started as of February 29, 2020, that were scheduled to occur during the period of school closure due to the novel coronavirus. These planned credits must be indicated on the student's high school and beyond plan, in course registration records, or in the student's credit attainment or recovery plan.
(b) Waived graduation requirement credits may include both core credit graduation requirements and flexible credit graduation requirements, as defined in WAC 180-51-210.
(3) This waiver may apply to individual students participating in the international baccalaureate diploma programme as defined in RCW 28A.230.122 to enable these students to earn a Washington high school diploma.
(4) Schools operating under the waiver defined in WAC 180-18-055 may waive graduation requirements in a manner consistent with this section.
(5) Each local education agency shall maintain a record of courses and requirements waived as part of the individual student record and shall report to the state board of education in a manner determined by the state board of education.
(6) The local education agency shall consider equity in administering the emergency waiver under this section. This consideration should be designed to identify and mitigate potential disparate impacts of the emergency waiver and to determine if any changes to the local education agency's approach in administering the emergency waiver are needed before the conclusion of the 2019-20 school year.
[Statutory Authority: 2020 c 7 § 10-12 and RCW 28A.195.010, 28A.230.090, 28A.150.220(7). WSR 21-01-077, § 180-111-040, filed 12/10/20, effective 1/10/21.]