PDFWAC 182-546-5600

Nonemergency transportationIntermediate stops or delays.

(1) The medicaid agency does not pay for any costs related to intermediate stops or delays that are not directly related to the original approved trip, including trips that would, or did, result in additional transportation costs due to client convenience.
(2) Brokers may authorize intermediate stops or delays for clients if the broker determines that the intermediate stop is:
(a) Directly related to the original approved trip; or
(b) Likely to limit or eliminate the need for supplemental covered trips.
(3) The agency considers the following reasons to be related to the original trip:
(a) Transportation of the client to and from an immediate subsequent medical referral/appointment; or
(b) Transportation of the client to a pharmacy to obtain one or more prescriptions when in route to or from the covered service and the pharmacy is within a reasonable distance of the usual route to the medical appointment. The agency does not pay for transportation of the client to a pharmacy to obtain medicare Part D prescriptions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.05.021, 41.05.160. WSR 15-03-050, § 182-546-5600, filed 1/14/15, effective 2/14/15. WSR 11-17-032, recodified as § 182-546-5600, filed 8/9/11, effective 8/9/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.057, 74.08.090, and 74.09.500. WSR 11-15-029, § 388-546-5600, filed 7/12/11, effective 8/12/11.]