WSR 97-13-065



[Memorandum--June 16, 1997]

The Washington State Library Commission will hold a special meeting as follows:

date: Monday, June 23, 1997

time: 10:00 a.m. - noon

location: Cherberg Building - Senate Hearing Room 2

Olympia, Washington

subject: Proposal to change the manner in which the state library uses federal moneys within the Washington State Library to deliver programs and services to libraries.

Purpose of the Meeting: To discuss a proposal to change the way the state library uses federal moneys within the Washington State Library to deliver programs and services to libraries.

Elements of the Proposal: To take federal funding from these current services . . . Consulting, advocacy, representation of libraries with various groups; interlibrary lending from the Washington State Library collection; publications for libraries; library statistics; training of library staff and trustees; and materials purchased for residents of state supported institutions . . . and make an exchange, dollar for dollar, with state funds in the current state/federal mix of funding for the contract with Seattle Public Library for the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library.

The commission is seeking input from anyone who has an opinion, a perception, or information to offer on this issue. The commission's intent is to consider all opinions, perceptions, and information before directing the state library in its use of federal funds within its own budget, including the contract with Seattle Public Library for the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library.

For further information, please contact Nancy Zussy, State Librarian, at Washington State Library, P.O. Box 42460, Olympia, WA 98504-2460, voice (360) 753-2915, FAX (360) 586-7575, e-mail

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