WSR 03-10-035



[ April 28, 2003 ]

WHEREAS, in accordance with Article II, Section 12 (Amendment 68) of the Washington State Constitution, the Legislature adjourned its 2003 regular session on April 27, 2003, the 105th day of the session; and

WHEREAS, substantial work remains to be done with respect to biennial operating and capital budgets; and

WHEREAS, substantial work also remains to be done with respect to education, including the certificate of mastery, state assessment requirements, the learning assistance program, charter schools; and

WHEREAS, substantial work also remains to be done with respect to terrorism prevention, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, water law reform, prescription drugs, unemployment insurance, worker's compensation, local government financing options, community revitalization financing, shared leave for military service, the internet pilot project for military and overseas voters; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I Gary Locke, Governor of the State of Washington, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article II, Section 12 (Amendment 68) and Article III, Section 7 of the Washington State Constitution, do hereby convene the Washington State Legislature in Special Session in the Capitol at Olympia at noon on Monday, May 12, 2003 for a period of not more than one week for the purpose of enacting legislation as described above.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the state of Washington to be affixed at Olympia this 28th day of April, A.D., two thousand and three.
Gary Locke

Governor of Washington


Sam Reed

Secretary of State

Legislature Code Reviser 


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