WSR 03-10-046



[ EO 03-01 ]


WHEREAS, all persons, including owners and employees of large and small businesses, and all who receive services from government agencies deserve to be treated with professionalism and respect; and

government employees must be seen to serve the public with integrity, respect, courtesy, and a commitment to solving problems; and

it is desirable to ensure that the Legislature is given full opportunity to participate in the process by which agencies adopt rules,

NOW THEREFORE, I, Gary Locke, do direct each state agency to develop and implement a program to enhance service delivery. Each agency is directed to:

     1.     Identify areas where improvements are needed in the clarity, consistency, timeliness and/or responsiveness of service delivery to citizens or businesses. Agencies may use surveys, focus groups, interviews, or other data sources to identify areas requiring improvement.

     2.     Institute and implement Service Delivery Standards that articulate expectations of staff as they serve the public. The standards should include:

          &sqbul;     Turnaround and response times for frequently requested services;

          &sqbul;     Expectations related to accessibility and clarity of information;

          &sqbul;     Expectations related to the courtesy, professionalism and helpfulness of staff; and

          &sqbul;     Consistency of treatment in service delivery.

     Agencies are encouraged to review existing best practices in service delivery standards, and may use or adapt existing standards to meet these requirements. Agencies should integrate the development and implementation of their Standards with their ongoing performance management, process improvement and customer satisfaction efforts.

     3.     Where service delivery processes are determined to be complicated or confusing, modify procedures to clarify requirements, reduce complexity, and increase efficiency.

     4.     Develop procedures for tracking complaints about service delivery and resolving problems; such procedures should facilitate prompt resolution after a citizen or business makes initial contact with the agency. Designate a clearly identified point of contact to assist the public and businesses in finding the services they need and resolving problems.

     5.     Provide any training necessary for staff and managers to facilitate use of the Service Delivery Standards and incorporate the Standards as performance expectations in employee personnel evaluations.

     6.     Involve businesses and other customer groups in implementing this Order. Agencies shall use existing customer or business advisory groups or establish a citizen advisory group as a means of consultation and involvement.

     7.     Establish performance measures to evaluate progress in service delivery and incorporate those measures into the agency's current performance accountability system.

     8.     Report on progress in improving service delivery in the Quarterly Report on their agency Performance Agreement with the Governor beginning no later than January 31, 2004.

Recognizing that agencies are currently providing copies of proposed rules to the Joint Administrative Rules Review Committee under RCW 34.05.320 so that the Committee can evaluate whether the rule is within the intent of the Legislature and whether the agency is adopting the rule in accordance with all applicable provisions of law, I FURTHER DIRECT that agencies also provide a copy of each adopted rule to the Joint Administrative Rules Review Committee immediately following adoption.

This executive order shall take effect immediately.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the state of Washington to be affixed at Olympia this 5th day of March, Two Thousand Three.
Gary Locke

Governor of Washington


Sam Reed

Secretary of State

Legislature Code Reviser 


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