WSR 05-05-034



[ Filed February 10, 2005, 3:23 p.m. ]

     Original Notice.

     Exempt from preproposal statement of inquiry under 04-10-066.

     Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Certification and testing of voting systems, defines the process for certifying and decertifying voting systems in Washington state. Includes rules pertaining to tests of the voting systems prior to acceptance of a new voting system or modification of an existing system as well as the logic and accuracy tests required before every election.

     Hearing Location(s): 520 East Union, Conference Room, Olympia, WA 98504, on March 25, 2004 [2005], at 2:00 p.m.

     Date of Intended Adoption: April 19, 2005.

     Submit Written Comments to: Paul Miller, P.O. Box 40237, Olympia, WA 98504, e-mail, fax (360) 664-2671, by March 24, 2005.

     Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Paul Miller by March 17, 2005, TTY (800) 422-8683.

     Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Updates the process for certifying voting systems in Washington state, including:

Clarifies that the Secretary of State makes the determination whether modifications to a previously certified voting system require a recertification or approval.
References new federal guidelines and testing for voting systems.
Adds rules for testing new types of voting equipment.
Modifies rules governing current certification process.
     Replaces chapter 434-333 WAC with chapter 434-335 WAC.

     Reasons Supporting Proposal: New federal law (Help America Vote Act of 2002) requires the use of disability access devices at each poll site. As counties move to these electronic systems, new procedures for testing are needed in WAC.

     Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 29A.04.611.

     Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

     Name of Proponent: Office of the Secretary of State, governmental.

     Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Paul Miller/Pam Floyd, 520 East Union, (360) 725-5783; Implementation and Enforcement: Paul Miller, 520 East Union, (360) 725-5783.

     No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Changes to WAC do not have any cost impact on small businesses.

     A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. Changes have no impact on costs.

February 10, 2005

Steven Excell

Assistant Secretary of State


     The following chapter of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 434-333-010 Certification of vote tallying equipment.
WAC 434-333-015 Application for certification.
WAC 434-333-020 Additional information and equipment required.
WAC 434-333-025 Vendor deposit for examination expenses.
WAC 434-333-030 Examination of equipment.
WAC 434-333-035 Public hearing.
WAC 434-333-040 Issuance of certification.
WAC 434-333-045 Modification of certified equipment, guidelines for reexamination.
WAC 434-333-050 Application for certification or examination of modified voting systems or devices.
WAC 434-333-055 Acceptance testing of voting systems and equipment.
WAC 434-333-060 Inclusion of the federal election commission standards for voting equipment.
WAC 434-333-063 Definition of official logic and accuracy test.
WAC 434-333-065 Logic and accuracy test conduct.
WAC 434-333-070 Logic and accuracy test observers.
WAC 434-333-075 Logic and accuracy testing of voting systems and equipment -- State primary and general election.
WAC 434-333-082 Procedure for conduct of delayed primary or general election emergency logic and accuracy test.
WAC 434-333-085 Logic and accuracy test scheduling and preparation -- State primary and general election.
WAC 434-333-090 Logic and accuracy test certification -- State primary and general election.
WAC 434-333-095 Logic and accuracy testing of voting systems and equipment -- Special elections.
WAC 434-333-100 Logic and accuracy test deck preparation -- Special elections.
WAC 434-333-105 Logic and accuracy test scheduling and preparation -- Special election.
WAC 434-333-110 Logic and accuracy test certification -- Special election.
WAC 434-333-120 Logic and accuracy test preparation -- State primary and general election -- Punchcard systems.
WAC 434-333-125 Punchcard test deck maintenance and storage.
WAC 434-333-127 Punchcard adjustment standards and tests.
WAC 434-333-130 Punchcard test precinct selection -- State primary and general elections.
WAC 434-333-135 Punchcard testing requirements prior to official logic and accuracy test.
WAC 434-333-140 Definitions.
WAC 434-333-145 Logic and accuracy test deck preparation -- State primary and general election -- Optical scan systems.
WAC 434-333-150 Optical scan test ballot selection -- State primary and general elections.
WAC 434-333-155 Optical scan read head adjustment standards and tests.
WAC 434-333-160 Optical scan read head and ballot scan area alignment tests.
WAC 434-333-165 Optical scan ballot marking code program test.
WAC 434-333-170 Precinct-based optical scan ballot counter preparation and testing.
WAC 434-333-175 Poll site-based optical scan ballot counter test notices, observers, and log of process.


Chapter 434-335 WAC


WAC 434-335-010   Certification of vote tallying equipment.   All voting systems, voting devices, and vote tallying systems must be certified and approved by the secretary of state before they can be used in Washington state. In order for a system to be certified in Washington state, it must meet the applicable federal standards, must comply with Washington state law, and must be certified and in use in at least one other state.


WAC 434-335-020   Voting systems review board.   Certification reviews and recommendations may be made to the secretary of state by the voting systems review board. The voting systems review board will include independent expert(s) in computer science or information technology, recognized expert(s) in election administration, and representative(s) of the public at large. The members of the review board will be appointed to a two-year term by the secretary of state beginning in January 2005. The duties of the voting systems review board will include, but not be limited to: Reviewing the application (ref. WAC 434-335-090); chairing the public hearing (WAC 434-335-100); and making recommendations on the application to the secretary of state (WAC 434-335-110).


WAC 434-335-030   Initial application for certification.   Any person or corporation (applicant) owning or representing a voting system or a vote tabulating system, part of a system, equipment, materials or procedure may apply in writing to the secretary of state for certification between December 1st and May 30th each year. Certification examinations and hearings will only be performed in the period between January 1st and July 15th of each year. The application shall include at least the following information:

     (1) Information about the vendor, business address, customer references, and list of election products.

     (2) Information about the product that is being reviewed, version numbers, release numbers, operating and maintenance manuals, training materials, technical and operational specifications.

     (3) Documentation of all other states that have tested, certified and used the equipment in a binding election. The information included should state how long the system has been used in the state and must include version numbers of the operating system, software, and firmware in use, date and jurisdiction of use in a binding election and must disclose any reports compiled by state or local government concerning the performance of the system.

     (4) A monetary deposit as described in WAC 434-335-080.

     (5) A copy of a letter from the applicant, to each independent testing authority (ITA), which:

     (a) Directs the ITA to send a copy of the completed ITA qualification report to the secretary of state;

     (b) Authorizes the ITA to discuss testing procedures and findings with the secretary of state; and

     (c) Authorizes the ITA to allow the secretary of state to review all records of any qualification testing conducted on the voting system or its components.

     (6) A technical data package (TDP) conforming to the 2002 FEC Federal Voting Systems Standards (FVSS), Vol. II, Sec. 2 standards that includes:

     (a) Identification of all COTS hardware and software products and communications services used in the operation of the voting system (ref. FVSS, 2.2.1.e).

     (b) System functionality description (ref. FVSS, 2.3).

     (c) System security specification (ref. FVSS, 2.6).

     (d) System operations procedures (ref. FVSS, 2.8).

     (e) System maintenance procedures (ref. FVSS, 2.9).

     (f) Personnel deployment and training requirements (ref. FVSS, 2.10).

     (g) Configuration management plan (ref. FVSS, 2.11).

     (h) System change notes (if applicable, ref. FVSS, 2.13).

     (i) System change list, if any, of modifications currently in development.

     (j) System usability testing report.

     (7) The source code of an electronic voting system must be placed in escrow in the state of Washington and be accessible by the secretary of state under prescribed conditions allowing source code review for system verification.

     (8) Identification of all documents, or portions of documents, containing proprietary information not approved for public release. The secretary of state shall agree to use proprietary information solely for the purpose of analyzing and testing the system, and shall agree to refrain from otherwise using the proprietary information or disclosing it to any other person or agency without the prior written consent of the vendor, to the extent permitted by law unless disclosure is legally compelled.


WAC 434-335-040   Voting system requirements.   No voting device or its component software may be certified by the secretary of state unless it:

     (1) Secures to the voter secrecy in the act of voting;

     (2) Permits the voter to vote for any person for any office and upon any measure that he or she has the right to vote for;

     (3) Permits the voter to vote for all the candidates of one party or in part for the candidates of one or more other parties;

     (4) Correctly registers all votes cast for any and all persons and for or against any and all measures;

     (5) Provides that a vote for more than one candidate cannot be cast by one single operation of the voting device or vote tally system except when voting for president and vice-president of the United States;

     (6) Beginning on January 1, 2006, a poll site-based electronic voting system, at the time of voting, produces a machine countable paper record for each vote that may be reviewed by any voter before finalizing his or her vote as a part of the voting process;

     (7) The paper record of each electronic vote may not be removed by the voter, but may be accepted or rejected. If the device is programmed to display the ballot in multiple languages, the paper record produced must be printed in the language used by each voter;

     (8) Except for functions or capabilities unique to this state, has been tested and approved by the appropriate independent testing authority approved by the federal election assistance commission or its statutory successor;

     (9) Correctly counts votes on ballots on which the proper number of votes have been marked for any office or issue;

     (10) Ignores votes marked for any office or issue where more than the allowable number of votes have been marked, but correctly counts the properly voted portions of the ballot;

     (11) Accumulates a count of the specific number of ballots tallied for each precinct, total votes by candidate for each office, and total votes for and against each issue of the ballot in that precinct;

     (12) Produces precinct and cumulative totals in printed form;

     (13) Ballot counting systems must be secured physically and electronically against unauthorized access;

     (14) Ballot counting systems must not be connected to, or operated on, any electronic network including, but not limited to, internal office networks, the internet, or the world wide web;

     (15) A network may be used as an internal, integral part of the ballot counting system but that network must not be connected to any other network, the internet, or the world wide web;

     (16) Wireless communications may not be used in any way in a ballot counting system;

     (17) All elements of the ballot counting systems must be capable of being secured with lock and seal when not in use;

     (18) Transfer of information from a remote ballot counting system may be made by telephonic transmission only after the creation of disk, paper tape, or other physical means of communication;

     (19) All electronic voting systems must meet Washington state disability access standards;

     (20) All electronic voting systems software in escrow must be the identical system software to the software tested and certified by the federal independent testing authority and installed in the county. The vendor must escrow both the human-readable source code and the working or compiled version. The software may be verified by matching the system's digital software signatures with the digital signatures the elections assistance commission has on file, when available.


WAC 434-335-050   Closing an incomplete application.   Upon receipt of an application, the secretary of state shall examine the application for completeness. If the application is not complete, the secretary of state shall notify the applicant in writing within thirty days of the information required to complete the application. The secretary of state will deem the application to be closed, if thirty days after notifying the vendor in writing of an incomplete application, the secretary of state has not received all information requested from the vendor. Closure of an application shall not prevent the applicant from submitting a new application to the secretary of state.


WAC 434-335-060   Examination of equipment.   Secretary of state staff will initiate an examination of the vendor's equipment after receiving a completed application and a working model of the equipment and software to be reviewed. The examination consists of a series of functional application tests designed to insure that the system or equipment meets all applicable federal guidelines, and state law and rules. The examination may include an additional independent testing authority test at the discretion of the secretary of state. The examination shall include the set-up and conduct of two mock elections. The vendor shall provide ballot materials and programming to create these elections. The independent testing authority will provide the voting system software they tested directly to the secretary of state.

     (1) The first election shall replicate an even year general and include PCO contests.

     (2) The second election shall replicate an odd year primary and include the use of split precincts.

     Both elections shall feature at least ten precincts with at least ten ballots in each precinct. The tests must include ballots of various ballot codes, including multiple candidates, cumulative reports, precinct reports, and canvass reports, as detailed in the test plan provided by the secretary of state.


WAC 434-335-070   Additional information and equipment required.   The vendor shall provide a working model of the equipment that is being reviewed to the secretary of state for the duration of the examination. The secretary of state may, at the expense of the vendor, contract with independent testing authorities or laboratories, experts in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, or data processing while examining the equipment.


WAC 434-335-080   Vendor deposit for examination expenses.   The vendor shall pay the secretary of state a deposit to reimburse the cost of any contract for consultation or any other unrecoverable costs associated with the examination of a voting system or component.


WAC 434-335-090   Elements to be considered in the review of an application.   Upon completion of the examination by the secretary of state staff, the voting systems review board shall evaluate the application. This evaluation shall include, but is not limited to:

     (1) A review of Revised Code of Washington sections which address the application (chapter 29A.40 RCW);

     (2) A review of applicable federal standards which address the application;

     (3) A copy of the approved qualification test results released directly to the secretary of state by the federally approved independent testing authority (ITA);

     (4) A review, if applicable, of reports or other materials from prior hearings on the proposed system, procedure, or modification either in whole or in part;

     (5) A review of the report produced by the secretary of state staff subsequent to the examination of the voting system;

     (6) A review, if applicable, of any procedures manuals, guidelines or other materials adopted for use with the system addressed by the application;

     (7) A review of any effect the application will have on the security of the voting system;

     (8) A review of any effect the application will have on the accuracy of the voting system;

     (9) A review of any effect the application will have on the ease and convenience with which voters use the system;

     (10) A review of any effect the application will have on the timeliness of vote reporting; and

     (11) A review of any effect the application will have on the overall efficiency of the voting system.


WAC 434-335-100   Public hearing.   The public hearing will be scheduled at the convenience of the secretary of state. At the hearing the vendor will be expected to demonstrate the equipment and explain its function. The vendor will be available to answer questions from the voting systems review board as well as any other persons in attendance. The vendor may be asked to submit answers in writing if the voting systems review board is not satisfied with the completeness of answers given at the hearing.


WAC 434-335-110   Voting systems review board report.   In its report to the secretary of state subsequent to its review of the voting system and public hearing, the voting systems review board may recommend for or against certification of the voting system being examined. The board may also recommend conditions or any procedures to be required with the purchase and deployment of the voting system in this state.


WAC 434-335-120   Certification may be conditioned.   Any certification may contain additional requirements of one or more actions or procedures, as determined by the review of the application and equipment.


WAC 434-335-130   Issuance of certification.   After reviewing the voting systems review board report and the recommendations of the secretary of state staff, the secretary of state will issue a certification of the system provided that he/she determines that the system meets all of the state requirements for certification. The certification will include any conditions and procedures that the secretary of state deems necessary for the system to comply with Washington state law and practice. Notification of certification will be sent by the secretary of state to all counties within thirty days of the issuance of certification.


WAC 434-335-140   Failure to meet certification requirements.   If the secretary of state determines that the system fails to meet any of the requirements for certification, the vendor will be notified and given thirty days to submit an improved version of the system. The improved version will be tested as if it had not been seen by the office of the secretary of state before.


WAC 434-335-150   Modification of certified equipment.   After a voting system is certified, any improvements or changes to the system must be submitted to the secretary of state for approval. The secretary of state will determine if the modifications require a recertification of the system or may be approved administratively.


WAC 434-335-160   Modification of certified equipment, guidelines for administrative approval.   The secretary of state may approve an application for modification of certified equipment administratively where he or she determines that the application does not:

     (1) Materially affect the lawful conduct, accuracy, efficiency, capacity or security of elections;

     (2) Materially affect the convenience to the voter of the elections process; or

     (3) Otherwise result in significant modification to existing procedures as used in Washington in extending the equipment's functionality.

     An application approved administratively will not require examination or review by the voting systems review board.


WAC 434-335-170   Application for administrative approval of modified voting systems or devices.   The application for review of a modification of an existing certified system shall include at least the following information:

     (1) Information about the vendor.

     (2) Information about the product that is being reviewed, version numbers, and release numbers. The application must also highlight all changes to the operating and maintenance manuals, training materials, and technical and operational specifications required by the modifications being reviewed to completely update them to the current version.

     (3) The vendor shall include certification documents for all other states that have certified the equipment with the modifications.

     (4) The vendor shall provide reports for all tests conducted, on the product modification(s) being reviewed for certification, by any independent testing authority or laboratory. The independent authority must meet the criteria established by the election assistance commission for such agents.

     (5) The vendor shall provide documentation proving that the product with the modification(s) meets the applicable federal voting equipment guidelines.

     (6) A document prepared by the vendor that describes in complete operational and technical detail all differences between the previously certified equipment or system and the modified equipment or system.

     (7) A monetary deposit as described in WAC 434-335-080.


WAC 434-335-180   Recertification of modified voting systems or devices.   If the system, or its components, is found to be sufficiently modified under the guidelines of WAC 434-335-160 that it requires an examination of the equipment by the voting systems review board and a public hearing, the secretary of state will notify the applicant in writing that the applicant must initiate the certification process outlined in WAC 434-335-030 through 434-335-130.


WAC 434-335-190   Restricted period.   No modification, change, or other alteration to voting or vote tabulating material, equipment, or component shall receive administrative approval or certification from July 15th until December 31st.


WAC 434-335-200   Emergency approval.   Emergency approval for modifications of an existing voting or vote tabulating system, or equipment may be obtained from the secretary of state during the restricted period if failure to modify the system will materially affect the lawful conduct, efficiency, accuracy, or security of the upcoming election.


WAC 434-335-210   Application information for emergency approval.   During the restricted period, an applicant may apply in writing to the secretary of state for emergency approval of a modification of an existing certified system. The application must include a complete description of all modifications to the system that are required. The application must also include a description of how failure to modify the system will materially affect the lawful conduct, efficiency, accuracy, or security of the upcoming election. If the secretary of state determines that an emergency situation exists after a review of the application, the examination, and testing of proposed modifications will be expedited by the secretary of state to meet the needs of the upcoming election. The emergency approval will waive the requirement that the modifications be certified by the national ITA pending final approval.


WAC 434-335-220   Final approval.   The applicant must submit an application that incorporates a permanent fix to the problem covered by the emergency approval in time to be approved under the normal application guidelines (ref. WAC 434-335-150) the following year. This application will be reviewed under the application guidelines (ref. WAC 434-335-160).


WAC 434-335-230   Judicial review of agency action.   Any of the following decisions entered pursuant to this chapter are final decisions of the secretary of state as to which no further review by the agency is available, subject to judicial review pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW:

     (1) The issuance or denial of certification pursuant to WAC 434-335-130;

     (2) The issuance or denial of administrative approval of a modification pursuant to WAC 434-335-160;

     (3) The issuance or denial of recertification of a modified system or component pursuant to WAC 434-335-180; and

     (4) A final order entered pursuant to WAC 434-335-220.


WAC 434-335-240   Acceptance testing of voting systems and equipment.   Whenever a county acquires a new system or an upgrade to an existing system that has been certified by the secretary of state, the county must perform acceptance tests of the equipment before it may be used to count votes at any election. The equipment must be operating correctly, pass all tests and must be substantially the same as the equipment certified by the secretary of state. The minimum testing standards are described as follows:

     (1) The model number, version number, release number, and any other number, name or description that identifies the product must be the same as the identifying numbers for the product that has been certified by the secretary of state.

     (2) The county must receive all manuals, and training necessary for the proper operation of the system.

     (3) The county shall perform a series of functional and programming tests that will test all functions of the ballot counting system. This must include processing a substantial number of test ballots of various ballot codes, including split precincts, rotated races, multiple candidates, precinct committee officer races, cumulative reports, precinct reports, canvass reports, and any other tests the county elections authority finds necessary.

     (4) The county auditor shall certify the results of acceptance testing to the secretary of state, including version numbers of hardware, software, and firmware installed and tested.


WAC 434-335-250   Inclusion of the Federal Election Commission standards for voting equipment.   The 2002 election assistance commission standards concerning voting systems and software escrow are hereby included by reference except where otherwise modified by these rules and the Revised Code of Washington. After January 1, 2006, in order to get administrative approval of modifications to systems currently certified under 1990 standards, the entire voting system must be tested and approved under the 2002 standards.


WAC 434-335-260   Decertification of voting systems and vote tabulating systems.   (1) The secretary of state may decertify a voting system or vote tabulating system or any component thereof and withdraw authority for its future use or sale in Washington if, at any time after certification:

     (a) He or she determines that the system or component fails to meet the standards set forth in applicable federal guidelines, and state law and rule, including, but not limited to, this chapter; or

     (b) He or she determines that the system or component was materially misrepresented in the certification application; or

     (c) He or she determines that the vendor has installed unauthorized modifications to the certified software or hardware.

     (2) The secretary of state shall provide notice of intent to decertify in writing to the original applicant for certification of the system or component or successor (if known), and to all county auditors, and shall also post it to the secretary's website. The notice shall specify the reasons why the certification of the system may be rescinded. The applicant or successor or any county auditor may, within thirty days after the issuance of the notice, file with the secretary a written explanation as to why the system or component should not be decertified. After reviewing the explanation the secretary may either discontinue the decertification process (in which case the system or component remains certified) or schedule the matter for hearing pursuant to subsection (3) of this section. If no explanation is timely filed, the secretary may either discontinue the decertification process or issue a final order pursuant to subsection (4) of this section. The secretary may extend or shorten the time of filing of a written explanation under this paragraph for good cause.

     (3) A decertification proceeding shall constitute an adjudicative proceeding pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW.

     (a) The secretary of state adopts the model rules of procedure as set forth in chapter 10-08 WAC, except as they may be inconsistent with this chapter. The proceeding may be conducted as an emergency adjudicative proceeding pursuant to RCW 34.05.479 if the secretary of state finds that immediate action is required to preserve the integrity of the electoral process.

     (b) The secretary of state shall designate the presiding officer.

     (c) The certification remains valid pending resolution of the administrative proceeding, unless the secretary of state finds, following notice and opportunity for written or oral input (which may be expedited), that the public interest requires that the decertification should take effect on a temporary basis pending hearing.

     (d) The argument in favor of decertification may be presented by an employee of the secretary of state or by an assistant attorney general. Other parties may be represented by a certified election administrator or by any person permitted to appear by WAC 434-180-560.

     (4) The presiding officer or secretary shall enter an order specifying the system or component at issue, whether or not it is decertified, the effective date of any decertification, and explain the basis for the decision. The effective date of decertification shall not be less than five days after the entry of the order, but may be delayed to any reasonable date. An order issued by the secretary pursuant to subsection (2) of this section is a final order. An order issued by the presiding officer shall be regarded as an initial order unless the secretary of state assistant, secretary of state deputy, secretary of state, or director of elections presides, in which case the decision of the presiding officer shall be final and no further review is available within the agency.


WAC 434-335-270   Definition of official logic and accuracy test.   As used in this chapter, "official logic and accuracy test" means the test performed in accordance with RCW 29A.12.130.


WAC 434-335-280   Logic and accuracy test conduct.   The county shall provide adequate personnel to properly operate the ballot counting equipment. Whenever possible, the equipment should be operated during the test by the same person(s) who will be responsible for the ballot count on election day. If any error in programming or mechanical function is detected, the cause shall be determined and corrected, and an errorless test completed before the primary or election.


WAC 434-335-290   Logic and accuracy test observers.   The official logic and accuracy test shall be observed by at least one representative of each major political party, if representatives have been appointed by the parties and are present at the test. The party observers shall be instructed as election observers by the county auditor. The official logic and accuracy test shall be open to candidates, the press, and the public. If any observer hinders or disturbs the logic and accuracy test process, the county auditor or representative may remove that observer from the test area. An observer who has been removed from a logic and accuracy test may also be barred from future tests. The absence of observers shall not delay or stop the test from being conducted.


WAC 434-335-300   Logic and accuracy testing of voting systems and equipment -- State primary and general election.   At least three days before each state primary or general election the office of the secretary of state shall provide for a test of the programming for the vote tallying system to be used at that primary or election. The test should verify that the system will correctly count the votes cast for all candidates and all measures appearing on the ballot. The test shall also verify that the machine(s) is/are functioning to specifications.


WAC 434-335-310   Procedure for conduct of delayed primary or general election emergency logic and accuracy test.   If the official logic and accuracy test cannot be completed at the scheduled time and place, an emergency test shall be scheduled by the county auditor. The emergency test must be conducted and properly completed prior to the processing of any official ballots through the tabulating system. If no representative of the office of the secretary of state is able to attend the emergency test, the county auditor and another member of the county canvassing board or their designated representative shall observe the test and certify the results. Observers and notification shall be provided for pursuant to WAC 434-335-290 and 434-335-320.


WAC 434-335-320   Logic and accuracy test scheduling and preparation -- State primary and general election.   Prior to each state primary and general election, the office of the secretary of state will prepare a schedule of logic and accuracy tests. The office of the secretary of state will notify each county of the date and time of their test at least thirty days before the primary or election. The county is responsible for preparing the counting system and testing it before the actual logic and accuracy test. The ballot counting system shall be fully programmed, cleaned, maintained, tested, and functional before the official logic and accuracy test. The county shall notify the parties, the press, the public, and the candidates of the date and time of the test.


WAC 434-335-330   Logic and accuracy test certification -- State primary and general election.   The county auditor or deputy, the office of the secretary of state representative, and any political party observers shall certify that the test has been conducted in accordance with RCW 29A.12.130. This certification shall include verification of the version number of all software, firmware, and hardware of the voting system used. Copies of this certification shall be retained by the secretary of state and the county auditor and may be posted by electronic media. All programming materials, test results, and test ballots shall be securely sealed until the day of the primary or election. These items may be sealed and stored separately.

     If, for any reason, any changes are made to the ballot counting programming after the official logic and accuracy test, an emergency logic and accuracy test must be conducted pursuant to WAC 434-335-310.


WAC 434-335-340   Logic and accuracy testing of voting systems and equipment -- Special elections.   At least three days before each special election, the programming for the vote tallying system to be used at that election shall be tested for logic and accuracy. The test should verify that the system will correctly count the votes cast for all candidates and all measures appearing on the ballot. The test shall be conducted by processing a preaudited group of ballots, marked with a predetermined number of votes, for each candidate and for or against each measure. For each office where there are two or more candidates and for each measure there will be an undervote and overvote.


WAC 434-335-350   Logic and accuracy test deck preparation -- Special elections.   When a new test deck is required under WAC 434-335-480, the test deck or decks used for the official logic and accuracy test will be prepared by the county auditor.


WAC 434-335-360   Logic and accuracy test scheduling and preparation -- Special election.   The county auditor is responsible for preparing the counting system and testing it before the official logic and accuracy test. The ballot counting system shall be fully programmed, cleaned and maintained, tested, and functional before the official logic and accuracy test. The county shall notify the parties, the press, the public, and the candidates of the date and time of the official logic and accuracy test.


WAC 434-335-370   Logic and accuracy test certification -- Special election.   The county auditor or deputy, and any political party observers present shall certify that the test has been conducted in accordance with RCW 29A.12.130. Copies of this certification shall be retained by the county auditor. All programming materials, official test results, and test ballots shall be securely sealed until the day of the primary or election. These items may be sealed and stored separately.

     If, for any reason, any changes are made to the ballot counting programming after the official logic and accuracy test, an emergency logic and accuracy test must be conducted pursuant to WAC 434-335-310.


WAC 434-335-380   Logic and accuracy test preparation -- State primary and general election -- Punchcard systems.   The test deck or decks used for the official logic and accuracy test are maintained by the county auditor. Information describing the candidates, offices, ballot formats, ballot positions, pages applicable or planning matrix, accurate list of prepunches, list of the number of appearances of each office, and all other information required to select the test precincts and predict the results must be available to the office of the secretary of state at the very latest by the 20th day prior to the primary or election. If a county is delayed, the county should advise the office of the secretary of state before the 20th day prior to the primary or election.


WAC 434-335-390   Punchcard test deck maintenance and storage.   Each county employing a punchcard balloting system shall maintain a permanent deck of logic and accuracy test ballots. The test ballots shall contain a distinct pattern of votes. The deck may be used for all official logic and accuracy tests and for programming tests conducted in preparation for official logic and accuracy tests. The permanent test deck shall be maintained in secure storage except when being used for actual testing.


WAC 434-335-400   Punchcard adjustment standards and tests.   Prior to all official logic and accuracy tests, a test must be conducted by each county employing a punchcard balloting system to confirm the ballot stock to be used in the election meets system specifications for card weight, thickness and length. The test should also confirm that the prepunches and voting response areas are being read properly by the ballot counter.


WAC 434-335-410   Punchcard test precinct selection -- State primary and general elections.   Prior to the official logic and accuracy test the office of the secretary of state shall review the election materials provided by the county and select a representative sample of precincts and ballot styles sufficient to cover all offices and issues contained in the election. The representative sample shall constitute the official logic and accuracy test. This provision does not limit the ability of the office of the secretary of state to conduct a complete test of every precinct if conditions warrant.


WAC 434-335-420   Punchcard testing requirements prior to official logic and accuracy test.   Prior to the official logic and accuracy test, each county employing a punchcard balloting system shall thoroughly test all programming and system components. The test must at least verify the office programming by thoroughly testing each individual office, test the ballot style logic to insure that all offices are included in the intended precincts and combinations, and verify that the program is accumulating all offices. The county auditor or deputy shall certify that these tests have been completed prior to the official logic and accuracy test.


WAC 434-335-430   Definitions.   For optical scan voting systems:

     (1) "Voting response area" means the area defined by ballot instructions on which the voter places their mark to indicate their vote.

     (2) "Scanning area" means the portions of each ballot that the system scans in order to read the vote marks made by voters.

     (3) "Ballot marking code" means the coded patterns printed on ballots intended to identify ballot styles to the ballot counting system.


WAC 434-335-440   Logic and accuracy test deck preparation -- State primary and general election -- Optical scan systems.   The test deck or decks used for the official logic and accuracy test for optical scan systems may, at the discretion of the secretary of state, be prepared by either the office of the secretary of state, the county, or the vendor. Information describing the candidates, offices, ballot formats, ballot positions, ballot styles, list of the number of appearances of each office, and all other information required to create the test decks must be available to the office of the secretary of state by the 20th day prior to the primary or election. If a county is delayed, the county should advise the office of the secretary of state before the 20th day prior to the primary or election.


WAC 434-335-450   Optical scan test ballot selection -- State primary and general elections.   Prior to the official logic and accuracy test the office of the secretary of state shall review the provided election materials with the county and select a representative sample of ballot styles sufficient to cover all offices and issues contained in the election. This representative sample shall constitute the official logic and accuracy test. This provision does not limit the ability of the office of the secretary of state to conduct a complete test of every precinct if conditions warrant. If the office of the secretary of state is preparing the test deck, the county auditor shall send blank ballots of the selected ballot styles to the office of the secretary of state as soon as the ballots are available.


WAC 434-335-460   Optical scan read head adjustment standards and tests.   Prior to all primaries and elections, read heads of optical scan central counting systems shall be cleaned and tested to insure that the reader is functioning within system standards.


WAC 434-335-470   Optical scan read head and ballot scan area alignment tests.   Prior to all official logic and accuracy tests, a test shall be conducted by each county employing an optical scan balloting system to confirm that the voting response areas printed on all ballot faces are aligned properly with the scanning area of the ballot counter. This test should also confirm that all ballot marking codes are being properly interpreted by the ballot counter.


WAC 434-335-480   Optical scan ballot marking code program test.   Prior to the official logic and accuracy test each county employing an optical scan balloting system shall thoroughly test all programming and system components. The test must at least verify the office programming by thoroughly testing each individual office, testing the ballot style logic to insure that all offices are included on the intended ballot faces, and verify that the program is accumulating all offices. The county auditor or deputy shall certify that these tests have been completed prior to the official logic and accuracy test.


WAC 434-335-490   Poll site-based optical scan ballot counter preparation and testing.   All logic and accuracy testing of poll site-based systems shall be performed by the county during the preparation of the poll site ballot counters prior to system distribution. As each ballot counter is programmed and set up for distribution a test of the ballot counter and ballot styles shall be performed. It shall be established by these tests that the ballot counter(s) are functioning within system standards. All ballot styles programmed for each machine shall be processed by each machine in order to insure that the machine is correctly counting and accumulating every office. The tests shall also establish that the printed ballot voter response areas are correctly aligned with the scanning area. After all tests are performed and the machine is ready for distribution, the machine shall be sealed and the seal number recorded. This will serve as the official logic and accuracy test of these poll site ballot counters.


WAC 434-335-500   Poll site-based optical scan ballot counter test notices, observers, and log of process.   A log shall be created during the testing of the poll site-based ballot counters. The log shall record the time and place of each test, the precinct number(s), seal number and machine number of each ballot counter and the initials of each person testing and observing the test for each machine. This log shall be included in the official logic and accuracy test materials. The processes described in WAC 434-335-490 shall be open to observation and subject to all notices and observers pursuant to WAC 434-335-290 and 434-335-320.


WAC 434-335-510   Definitions.   For direct recording electronic voting systems:

     "Access device" is the device that is used by the voter to access the ballot at a direct recording electronic voting device. It may be a card or other media.

     "Calibration" is the touch screen setting on direct recording electronic voting systems that controls the voter response area.

     "Controller" is a component of a direct recording electronic voting system that allows the poll worker to add information to an access device so that a voter can access the correct ballot style.

     "Parallel monitoring" is a process designed to detect potential presence of malicious code in the software of a voting machine. It requires a specific number of voting machines to be removed from random poll sites before voting begins. These machines are then test-voted throughout election day.

     "Response area" is the area on the ballot face that records the voter's choice.

     "Touch screen" is a type of computer interface on a voting device that allows the voter to touch the screen to make a choice.

     "Voter verified paper record" is a paper record of a voter's choices to be verified before vote is cast.


WAC 434-335-520   Logic and accuracy test plan preparation -- State primary and general election -- Direct recording electronic systems.   The test plan used for the official preelection logic and accuracy test for direct recording electronic systems may be prepared by either the office of the secretary of state or the county. Information describing the candidates, offices, ballot formats, ballot styles, list of the number of appearances of each office, and all other information required to create the test plan must be available to the office of the secretary of state by the 20th day prior to the primary or election. If a county is delayed, the county auditor should advise the office of the secretary of state before the 20th day prior to the primary or election.


WAC 434-335-530   Direct recording electronic test ballot selection -- State primary and general election.   Prior to the official logic and accuracy test the office of the secretary of state shall review the provided election materials with the county and select a representative sample of ballot styles sufficient to cover all offices and issues contained in the election. This representative sample shall constitute the official preelection logic and accuracy test. This provision does not limit the ability of the office of the secretary of state to conduct a complete test of every precinct if conditions warrant.


WAC 434-335-540   Direct recording electronic calibration adjustment standards and tests.   Prior to all primaries and elections, calibration settings of all direct recording electronic devices using touch screen technology shall be tested to insure that the response areas are functioning within system standards.


WAC 434-335-550   Direct recording electronic voting response area tests.   Prior to all official logic and accuracy tests, and prior to programming the poll-site direct recording electronic devices, a test shall be conducted by each county employing a direct recording electronic balloting system to confirm that the voting response areas indicated on all ballot faces are programmed correctly. The county shall test all ballot styles on at least one device to insure that the programming is correctly counting and accumulating every office and candidate.


WAC 434-335-560   Direct recording electronic ballot marking code program test.   Prior to all official logic and accuracy tests each county employing a direct recording electronic balloting system shall thoroughly test all programming and system components. The test must verify the office programming by thoroughly testing each individual office, testing the ballot style logic to insure that all offices are included on the intended ballot faces, and verify that the program is accumulating all offices. The county auditor or deputy shall certify that these tests have been completed prior to the official logic and accuracy test.


WAC 434-335-570   Direct recording electronic system logic and accuracy test notices, and observers.   At the discretion of the secretary of state, a county may conduct its official preelection logic and accuracy test of the county's direct recording electronic system at a date and time prior to the logic and accuracy test of the county's optical scan system. The official preelection logic and accuracy test of the county's direct recording electronic system shall be open to observation and subject to all notices and observers pursuant to WAC 434-335-290 and 434-335-320. The results of the test shall be included in the official logic and accuracy test materials and combined with the results of all other voting systems used by the county to confirm an adequate integration of the systems.


WAC 434-335-580   Poll site-based direct recording electronic voting device preparation and testing.   All logic and accuracy testing of poll site-based direct recording electronic systems shall be performed by the county prior to system distribution. A representative from the secretary of state's office may attend these tests in whole or in part. As each voting device is programmed and set up for distribution a test of the response area, the ballot styles, and ballot counter shall be performed. It shall be established by these tests that the device and the tabulation software is functioning within system standards. The tests shall also establish that the voter response areas of each touch screen, if used, are correctly calibrated. This test shall also confirm that all ballot styles appropriate to the poll site to which the device will be deployed are properly issued by the controller. After all functionality tests are performed and the machine is ready for distribution, each machine shall be sealed and the seal number recorded. This will serve as the official logic and accuracy test of these poll site direct recording electronic devices.


WAC 434-335-590   Poll site-based direct recording electronic device test notices, observers, and log of process.   A log shall be created during the testing of the poll site-based direct recording electronic machines. The log shall record the time and place of each test, the precinct number(s), seal number and machine number of each voting device and the initials of each person testing and observing the test for each machine. This log shall be included in the official logic and accuracy test materials. The processes described in WAC 434-335-580 shall be open to observation and subject to all notices and observers pursuant to WAC 434-335-290 and 434-335-320.


WAC 434-335-600   Parallel monitoring test.   On election day, in each county using direct recording electronic voting devices without a voter verified paper record at the poll sites, parallel monitoring will be conducted in the following manner: One machine shall be removed from one percent (rounded up) of poll sites, chosen by lot, before voting begins. These machines will be attended by secretary of state personnel throughout the day and test votes will be cast by individuals selected by the county auditor, in a predetermined manner for results comparison at the end of the day. A record of votes cast may be kept by videotape for verification. All results of this test will be made public.


WAC 434-335-610   Parallel monitoring test decks.   The test deck or decks used for the parallel monitoring test will be prepared by the office of the secretary of state. Paper ballots sufficient so that all ballot formats are represented must be available to the office of the secretary of state by the 20th day prior to the primary or election. If a county is delayed, the county should advise the office of the secretary of state before the 20th day prior to the primary or election.


WAC 434-335-620   Parallel monitoring test observers.   The parallel monitoring test shall be observed by at least one representative of each major political party, if representatives have been appointed by the parties and are present at the test. The party observers shall be instructed as election observers by the county auditor. The test shall be open to candidates, the press, and the public. If any observer hinders or disturbs the logic and accuracy test process, the county auditor or representative may remove that observer from the test area. An observer who has been removed from a logic and accuracy test may also be barred from future tests. The absence of observers shall not delay or stop the test from being conducted.


WAC 434-335-630   Parallel monitoring test certification.   The county auditor or deputy, the office of the secretary of state representative, and any political party observers shall certify that the test has been conducted in accordance with WAC 434-335-600. This certification shall include verification of the version number of all software, firmware, and hardware of the voting system used. Copies of this certification shall be retained by the secretary of state and the county auditor and may be posted by electronic media. All videos, test results, and test ballots shall be securely sealed with the records of the election. These items may be sealed and stored separately.


WAC 434-335-640   Post election test.   Following election day, in each county using direct recording electronic voting devices at the poll sites, without a voter-verifiable paper audit trail, a post election logic and accuracy test will be conducted on the devices selected for the parallel monitoring test (ref. WAC 434-335-600). This test will be substantially the same as the preelection logic and accuracy test, pursuant to WAC 434-335-580 through 434-335-590. The county will certify to the state that the test has been performed.


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