WSR 10-01-001




[ Filed December 2, 2009, 12:07 p.m. ]

     As required by RCW 42.30.075, Open Public Meetings Act, the following schedule is submitted for publishing in the Washington state register.

     The Washington state parks and recreation commission has adopted the following 2010 regular meeting schedule. The first meeting of commission will be held on January 14 at the Millersylvania State Park, Environmental Learning Center, 12245 Tilley Road South, Olympia, WA 98512, (360) 753-1519.

     The date and city location of the March through December meetings in 2010 are as follows:

2010 Schedule of Regular Meetings

March 11 Tacoma
May 6 Montesano
June 24 Walla Walla
August 12 Spokane
September 30 Yakima
December 2 Everett/Snohomish area

     The building or facility locations of the meetings have not yet been determined and will be announced at the close of each regular meeting. The meeting locations may be obtained by writing to the Director, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, P.O. Box 42650, Olympia, WA 98504-2650, or by calling (360) 902-8505.

     Regular meetings run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and include an opportunity for public comment. The commission typically meets in a work session from approximately noon to 4:30 p.m. the day prior to the regular meeting in the same location or at a location near the regular meeting location. Work sessions are educational sessions on park operations and issues that eventually may go before the commission.

     The commission may also tour area sites or parks the day following the regular meeting. No public comment and no formal action are taken at work sessions and tours. The commission chair may call special meetings at any time; all special meetings are announced in advance.

     The public is welcome to attend all state park and recreation commission meetings. Meeting sites will be barrier free to the greatest extent feasible. The commission will provide Braille or taped agenda items for the visually impaired and interpreters for those with hearing impairments if a request is received at the appropriate address shown above at least ten working days in advance of the scheduled meeting date.

     Agendas are posted on the agency web site at least one week in advance of meetings, and commission action posted within a week after the meeting.

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