WSR 17-06-057
[Filed February 28, 2017, 11:18 a.m.]
Notice of Decision
Ferry County Compliance Determination
In 2014, the legislature adopted EHB 1224 which authorized a process for counties with a population of 20,000 or fewer inhabitants to withdraw from fully planning under the Growth Management Act. A county that is not in compliance with the planning requirements of RCW 36.70A.060, 36.70A.040(4), 36.70A.070(5), 36.70A.170, and 36.70A.172 must take legislative action to address any outstanding noncompliance issues.
Ferry County submitted a complete application and request for a determination of compliance on November 3, 2016. Commerce has reviewed the legislative actions and the record developed by Ferry County to address outstanding issues of noncompliance with the Growth Management Act. Based on the review of the record compiled in this matter, commerce concludes that Ferry County has addressed the outstanding issues of noncompliance and Ferry County's comprehensive plan and development regulations are in compliance with the planning requirements of RCW 36.70A.060, 36.70A.040(4), 36.70A.070(5), 36.70A.170, and 36.70A.172 as a result of legislative actions taken on March 28 and August 8, 2016. Commerce's decision is effective as of February 28, 2017. A petition for review of this determination of compliance may be filed with the growth management hearings board within sixty days of the issuance of this decision.
For additional information about this decision please contact Dave Andersen, AICP, Department of Commerce, 10 North Post Street, Suite 445, Spokane, WA 99201, or