3008-S2 AMH COOK HAGE 52





2SHB 3008 - H AMD 978 ADOPTED 2-17-98

By Representative Cooke


     On page 2, beginning with Achapter@ on line 5, strike everything down to and including Ashall@ on page 2 line 13 and insert Achapters 18.71 or 18.57 RCW primarily responsible for the care of a new born infant, an advanced registered nurse who practices midwifery licensed under chapter 18.79 RCW, or a midwife licensed under chapter 18.50 RCW, who has reasonable cause to believe an infant has been exposed to nonprescription use of controlled substances or alcohol must notify the department of the name and address of the parent or parents of an infant who is drug-affected.

     (2) The physician or midwife responsible for the delivery of the  infant must@



EFFECT: Clarifies the role of pediatricians, obstetricians and midwives; deletes the requirement that the attending provider must  arrange for testing to determine whether the infant is drug-affected.