HB 1743


             As Reported By House Committee On:

                         Health Care


Title:  An act relating to the long‑term care ombudsman program.


Brief Description:  Allowing the department of community, trade, and economic development to adopt rules to carry out the long‑term care ombudsman program.


Sponsors:  Representatives Dyer, Cody, Kenney, Cooke and Blalock.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:

Health Care:  2/24/97 [DP].




Majority Report:  Do pass.  Signed by 10 members:  Representatives Dyer, Chairman; Backlund, Vice Chairman; Skinner, Vice Chairman; Cody, Ranking Minority Member; Murray, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Conway; Parlette; Sherstad; Wood and Zellinsky.


Staff:  Antonio Sanchez (786-7383).


Background:  All states are mandated by federal law to operate a long-term care ombudsman program.  The program is required to offer two primary services:  (1) direct, individual advocacy services, which should be accessible, available, and meet the needs of residents of long-term care facilities; and (2) systematic advocacy services.  In compliance with this federal mandate the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development is designated in state law to be responsible for contracting for, and monitoring the performance of, the state Long-term Care Ombudsman Program. 


Current law does not specifically direct the Department of Community Trade, and Economic Development to develop rules for guiding the state Long-term Care Ombudsman Program.


Summary of Bill:  The Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development is required to adopt rules for the state Long-term Care Ombudsman Program.  An emergency is declared.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Requested on February 19, 1997.


Effective Date:  The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.


Testimony For:  We need the guidance of the department to complete our objectives more effectively.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  Kary Hyre, Long-term Care Ombudsman Program (pro).