SB 6281

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

          Natural Resources & Parks, February 6, 1998


Title:  An act relating to a Cascade foothills state park.


Brief Description:  Studying the feasibility of creating a Cascade foothills state park.


Sponsors:  Senators Jacobsen, Kline, Thibaudeau, B. Sheldon and Fraser.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Natural Resources & Parks:  2/6/98 [DP].




Majority Report:  Do pass.

  Signed by Senators Oke, Chair; Hargrove, Jacobsen, Morton, Prentice, Spanel and Swecker.


Staff:  Vic Moon (786-7469)


Background:  With increased population in the Puget Sound area, innovative ways need to be found to address the increased needs for public recreation.


Summary of Bill:  The Legislature finds that the population in the Puget Sound will grow by more than a million people by the year 2010 and there will be a greater demand for outdoor recreation opportunities.  Changing demographics, healthier and more active lifestyles and improvements in recreation technology will all lead to a greater public demand for areas and facilities in which to recreate.  The western slope of the Cascade foothills from the international border south to Thurston County provides a wealth of existing and potential outdoor recreation areas.  Within the area there are many state lands that provide the nucleus for a state park comprised of multiple units to serve the region and the entire state.  The purpose of this act is to direct the Washington Parks and Recreation Commission to study the feasibility of creating a Cascade foothills state park and make recommendations to the Legislature.  Cascade foothills means the area generally comprising the Cascade range lying between 500 and 2,000 feet in Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce and Thurston counties.


The Parks and Recreation Commission must review existing and future recreational needs in the Cascade foothills area and assess the existing and 20-year growth projection for recreational demand.  The commission is required to inventory existing facilities and lands available for recreational use in the Cascade foothills and must review existing local, regional, state and nongovernmental entities providing outdoor recreation facilities.  Recommendations for a regional entity to promote expanded outdoor recreational opportunities are part of the commission=s duties.  The commission is directed to look for methods to fund local, regional and state outdoor recreation programs and facilities within the Cascade foothills.  The commission must seek assistance of governing bodies of the counties involved.  The report and recommendations must be provided to the fiscal and parks committees of the House and Senate no later than December 15, 1998.  $30,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for the biennium ending June 30, 1999 for the purposes of this act.


Appropriation:  $30,000.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  Greater population in the Puget Sound area will increase recreational needs and there are many innovative approaches to increasing opportunity for recreation using both public and private resources.


Testimony Against:  Fund what we have now before looking for more lands for recreation.


Testified:  Larry Fairleigh, State Parks (pro); Savanna Schilling, Washington State Grange (con).