SB 6736

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

          Natural Resources & Parks, February 6, 1998


Title:  An act relating to the composition of the fish and wildlife commission.


Brief Description:  Clarifying provisions which control the composition of the fish and wildlife commission.


Sponsors:  Senator Oke.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Natural Resources & Parks:  2/5/98, 2/6/98 [DPS].




Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6736 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

  Signed by Senators Oke, Chair; Rossi, Vice Chair; Hargrove, Morton, Roach, Stevens and Swecker.


Staff:  Ross Antipa (786-7413)


Background:  The Governor is authorized to appoint nine members of the Fish and Wildlife Commission.  No more than one commissioner may be appointed from the same county.


Allowing more than one Fish and Wildlife commissioner appointment per county would give the Governor more latitude in making appointments.


Summary of Substitute Bill:  The three at-large Fish and Wildlife commissioner appointments may be made from residents of any county.  The three at-large commissioner appointments may not serve without Senate Natural Resources & Parks Committee and Senate confirmation.


Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill:  At-large commissioners may not serve without Senate Natural Resources & Parks Committee and Senate confirmation.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  The Governor needs more latitude in selecting at-large fish and wildlife commissioners.


Testimony Against:  The Governor could limit geographic representation by selecting all at-large commissioners from the same county.


Testified:  Dick Smythe (pro).