1156-S AMH FORT H2231.2




SHB 1156 - H AMD 0029 ADOPTED 03/09/99

By Representative Fortunato




    On page 1, after line 4, insert the following:


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  A new section is added to chapter 46.16 RCW to read as follows:

    When applicable, the certificate of registration must include a statement that the owner or entity operating a commercial vehicle must be in compliance with the requirements of the United States department of transportation federal motor carrier safety regulations contained in Title 49 C.F.R. Part 382, controlled substances and alcohol use and testing."


    Renumber the sections following consecutively and correct the title.




    EFFECT:  The annual vehicle registration contains a statement that the owner or entity operating a commercial vehicle must have a drug and alcohol testing program in place that is in compliance with federal law.


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