HB 2565 - H AMD 447 FAILED 2-10-00

By Representative DeBolt

     On page 8, line 5 insert


     ANEW SECTION.  Sec.  5. Electric utilities are required to provide an adequate disclosure of costs attributable to salmon restoration and recovery and other environmental costs.  Utilities shall disclose these costs to the customer on a monthly basis, and include the following information:

     (1) The amount, to the nearest whole dollar, of the customer's monthly utility bill that is attributable to salmon restoration and recovery and other environmental costs; and

     (2) An explanation in the customer's utility bill, on at least an annual basis, of the method used to calculate the costs attributable to salmon restoration and recovery and other environmental costs.@


     Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct internal references accordingly.





EFFECT: Electric utilities must disclose the costs attributable to salmon restoration, recovery, and other environmental costs to customers on a monthly basis.