2675-S AMH SCHU H4734.1




SHB 2675 - H AMD 452 WITHDRAWN 2-15-00

By Representative Schual-Berke




    On page 1, after line 4, insert the following:


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  The legislature recognizes that fewer than five percent of all drivers use child booster seats for children over the age of four years.  The legislature also recognizes that seventy-one percent of deaths resulting from car accidents could be eliminated if every child under the age of sixteen used an appropriate child safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt.  The legislature further recognizes the National Transportation Safety Board's recommendations that promote the use of booster seats to increase the safety of children under eight years of age.  Therefore, it is the legislature's intent to decrease deaths and injuries to children by promoting safety education and injury prevention measures, as well as increasing public awareness on ways to maximize the protection of children in vehicles."


    Renumber the sections following consecutively.


    Correct the title.




    EFFECT:  Establishes the intent of SHB 2675 as one of increasing public awareness on ways to maximize the protection of children in vehicles, as well as promoting safety education and injury prevention.  Therefore, it is not the intent of the legislature to establish this measure as a punitive action aimed at penalizing well-intentioned drivers.


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