5036.E AMH APP AMH-1





By Committee on Appropriations




    Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:


    "Sec. 1.  RCW 2.08.065 and 1996 c 208 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

    There shall be in the county of Grant, ((two)) three judges of the superior court; in the county of Okanogan, ((one)) two judges of the superior court; in the county of Mason, two judges of the superior court; in the county of Thurston, eight judges of the superior court; in the counties of Pacific and Wahkiakum jointly, one judge of the superior court; in the counties of Ferry, Pend Oreille, and Stevens jointly, two judges of the superior court; and in the counties of San Juan and Island jointly, two judges of the superior court.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  (1) The additional judicial position for Grant county created by section 1 of this act is effective only if Grant county through its duly constituted legislative authority documents its approval of the additional position and its agreement that it will pay out of county funds, without reimbursement from the state, the expenses of the additional judicial position as provided by state law or the state Constitution.

    (2) The additional judicial position for Okanogan county created by section 1 of this act is effective only if Okanogan county through its duly constituted legislative authority documents its approval of the additional position and its agreement that it will pay out of county funds, without reimbursement from the state, the expenses of the existing and additional judicial positions as provided by state law or the state Constitution."


    Correct the title.




    EFFECT:  Okanogan County will have its superior court judges increased, Grant County will not.  The increase is effective only if Okanogan County agrees to pay the expenses of existing judicial positions in the county.


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