SSB 5212 - H AMD

By Representative Kastama

     On page 5, after line 3, insert the following:

     ANEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.  A new section is added to chapter 28A.300 RCW to read as follows:

     School districts shall report to the superintendent of public instruction on the emergency plans required under section 2(11) of this act, including the development, content, and implementation of the plans, and, after the initial report, whether the plans have been updated to accommodate changing circumstances.   The district shall submit these reports to the superintendent of public instruction by July 1st, 2001, and July 1st of every third year thereafter. The superintendent of public instruction shall report to the education committees of the house of representatives and senate on school and school district emergency management planning activities by November 30, 2001, and by November 30th of every third year thereafter.@

     Correct the title.






EFFECT:  School districts must report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) regarding their emergency plans by July 1, 2001, and every three years thereafter.  SPI is to report to the education committees in the legislature regarding school emergency planning efforts by November 30, 2001, and every three years thereafter.