SSB 5363 - H AMD

By Representative Alexander

     On page 62, beginning on line 13, strike all material through "requests:" on line 23 and insert the following:

     "(3) After ratification of a tentative agreement by the exclusive bargaining representative, the compensation and fringe benefit provisions in the tentative agreement must be submitted by the governor to the joint committee on employment relations, which shall consist of the following members:  Two members with leadership positions in the house of representatives, representing each of the two largest caucuses; two members of the house appropriations committee, or successor committee, representing each of the two largest caucuses; two members with leadership positions in the senate, representing each of the two largest caucuses; and two members of the senate ways and means committee, or successor committee, representing each of the two largest caucuses.  If the joint committee does not approve the submission, the tentative agreement must be returned to the parties for renegotiation.  If the joint committee approves the submission, the governor shall submit a request for funds necessary to implement the compensation and fringe benefit provisions of the tentative agreement within ten days of the date on which the committee approved the submission or, if the legislature is not in session, within ten days after the legislature next convenes.  Requests for funds necessary to implement the provisions of tentative agreements negotiated by institutions of higher education shall not be submitted to the joint committee unless such requests:"





EFFECT:  Requires the compensation and fringe benefit package to be submitted to the Joint Committee on Employment Relations.  If the joint committee does not approve the submission, the tentative agreement must be returned to the parties for renegotiation.  If approved, the governor submits a request for funding to the legislature.