HB 2662

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

                 Education, February 24, 2000


Title:  An act relating to gathering and maintaining teacher education and experience information.


Brief Description:  Studying the feasibility of a central repository of teacher education and experience information.


Sponsors:  Representatives Haigh, Quall, Talcott, Keiser, Rockefeller and Santos.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Education:  2/16/2000, 2/24/2000 [DPA].




Majority Report:  Do pass as amended.

  Signed by Senators McAuliffe, Chair; Eide, Vice Chair; Brown, Goings, Kohl-Welles, Rasmussen and Swecker.


Staff:  Kelly Simpson (786-7403)


Background:  Currently, detailed information pertaining to the education and experience of certificated staff is maintained at the local school district level.  However, some of the information is reported to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Certification unit by individuals applying for or renewing certificates.  Additionally, school districts annually provide summaries of experience and training to the OSPI Apportionment unit.


This information is used for state salary allocation purposes to account for differences in the education and experience of each district's certificated staff, as well as for certification and recertification purposes.


Summary of Amended Bill:  The Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program (LEAP) Committee must convene a work group of stakeholders to explore the feasibility of a central repository for teacher education and experience information and make recommendations for establishing a central repository.


The feasibility study and recommendations must be provided to the education and fiscal committees of the Legislature by December 15, 2000.  The bill expires December 31, 2000.


Amended Bill Compared to Original Bill:  The amendment adds the Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (WSIPC) to the list of work group members.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Available.


Effective Date:  The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.


Testimony For:  Teacher education and experience information is currently maintained in multiple places and results in an increasing workload for those involved.  A study is needed to determine whether a central repository of this information would result in increased accuracy, increased efficiency, and cost savings to school districts.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  PRO:  Mike Bigelow, OSPI; Linda Long, State Auditor=s Office; Karen Davis, WEA; Dan Steele, WA State School Directors= Assn.; Barbara Mertens, WASA.