2SSB 6811

                          C 128 L 00

                      Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Providing for sick leave and leave sharing for part‑time academic employees at community and technical colleges.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Kohl‑Welles, Jacobsen, Shin, B. Sheldon, Winsley, McAuliffe, Roach, Thibaudeau, Spanel, Bauer and Goings).


Senate Committee on Higher Education

Senate Committee on Ways & Means

House Committee on Higher Education


Background:  The 1996 Legislature passed two bills requiring recommendations from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) on the issue of adjunct faculty employment.  To avoid duplication of effort in responding to the two legislative directives, the SBCTC considered all relevant issues through the Best Practices Task Force that issued a report endorsed by the SBCTC and received by the 1997 Legislature.


The report=s best practice number nine states, AThe best practice is to develop/bargain a policy that provides some sick leave to adjunct faculty who have a continuing relationship with the colleges.@


Summary:  Sick leave is established for part-time faculty on a pro-rata basis as recommended by the Best Practices Task Force.  Hours earned (maximum 12 days a year) continue to be subject to collective bargaining but not the benefit itself.


Leave policies written by trustees must conform with the right to sick leave established for part-time faculty and sick leave portability.  Collective bargaining agreements must include pro-rata sick leave provisions for part-time faculty.  The ability to accumulate leave is avail­able to part-time faculty after one quarter of employment.  Part-time faculty may participate in the attendance incentive program.


The new policy does not apply to existing agreements that have already been bargained.  The provisions of the bill are not retroactive.


Votes on Final Passage:


Senate 461

House970(House amended)

Senate 480(Senate concurred)


Effective:June 8, 2000