ESJM 8015

                     As Passed Legislature


Brief Description:  Requesting the office of minority and women=s business enterprises to certify socially and economically disadvantaged businesses, including those owned by disabled persons


Sponsors:  Senators Honeyford, Rasmussen, Fairley, Oke, Patterson, Heavey, Rossi, Hargrove, McAuliffe, Winsley, Bauer, Stevens and Kohl‑Welles.


Senate Committee on Commerce, Trade, Housing & Financial Institutions


Background:  Businesses owned and controlled by disabled persons are not classified as  minority business enterprises.


Summary:  The Office of Minority and Women=s Business Enterprises is requested to add a new limited category for certification which includes businesses owned and controlled by disabled persons who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage.


Votes on Final Passage:


Senate 460
