HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2000-4735, by Representatives Schual‑Berke, Keiser, Santos, Kenney, Edmonds, Conway, Veloria, Linville, Regala, Haigh, Anderson, Rockefeller, Cox, Clements, Talcott, Carlson, Quall, Edwards, Morris, Wensman, D. Schmidt, Thomas, Hankins, Pflug, Fortunato, Dunn and Skinner


      WHEREAS, Every child is unique and deserves a stimulating and challenging education regardless of ability; and

      WHEREAS, Our state's diverse student population includes academically gifted boys and girls from every region and from all ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds; and

      WHEREAS, Gifted children are unusually swift and efficient learners in their areas of strength and therefore require in those domains a different pace, depth, and level of education than is ordinarily provided at their age; and

      WHEREAS, Being gifted does not automatically make these children better students, however, gifted students learn faster and in different ways than typical students, causing special educational needs; and

      WHEREAS, Only in conjunction with appropriate school challenges can gifted children realize their enormous potential contribution to our society and its citizens;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor gifted students throughout the state, their parents, and their teachers; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to the Center for the Study of Capable Youth, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction's Gifted Advisory Committee, and the National Association for the Gifted and Talented.



I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

Resolution 4735 adopted by the House of Representatives

                    February 2, 2000.



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Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk Cynthia Zehnder Co-Chief Clerk