

                    ENGROSSED SENATE BILL 5490



State of Washington      56th Legislature     1999 Regular Session


By Senators Wojahn, Winsley, Kline, Fairley, B. Sheldon, McAuliffe, Thibaudeau, Snyder, Rasmussen and Costa


Read first time 01/25/1999.  Referred to Committee on Labor & Workforce Development.

Requiring temporary assistance for needy families employment assessments to screen for learning disabilities.

    AN ACT Relating to employment assessments for recipients of temporary assistance for needy families; amending RCW 74.08A.260; and creating a new section.




    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  The legislature finds that studies show a correlation between learning disabilities and the barriers to self-sufficiency experienced by long-term welfare recipients.  Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, may make it difficult for some of those on public assistance to develop the skills needed to maintain and progress in employment.

    The legislature also finds that recently, simpler and less costly screening tools for learning disabilities have been identified.  A basic, initial, brief screening tool no longer requires a mental health professional to administer it, and medical technology is rapidly developing the technology to screen for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with computerized scanning devices.

    The legislature finds that the early identification and appropriate referral to treatment designed to help individuals cope with or overcome learning disabilities, increases their chances of attaining self-sufficiency.

    The legislature intends that the department of social and health services screen temporary assistance for needy families recipients for learning disabilities, in order to customize and make meaningful their individual responsibility plans, refer them to treatment as appropriate, or exempt them from work activity requirements, benefit time limits, or other requirements of Title 74 RCW, as directed by the legislature.


    Sec. 2.  RCW 74.08A.260 and 1997 c 58 s 313 are each amended to read as follows:

    Recipients who have not obtained paid, unsubsidized employment by the end of the job search component authorized in section 312 of this act shall be referred to a work activity.

    (1) Each recipient shall be assessed immediately upon completion of the job search component.  Assessments shall be based upon factors that are critical to obtaining employment, including but not limited to education, employment strengths, and employment history.  Special emphasis shall be placed on performing a basic assessment to screen for learning disabilities, including dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  Assessments, including screening for learning disabilities, may be performed by the department or by a contracted entity.  The assessment shall be based on a uniform, consistent, transferable format that will be accepted by all agencies and organizations serving the recipient.  Based on the assessment, an individual responsibility plan shall be prepared that:  (a) Sets forth an employment goal and a plan for moving the recipient immediately into employment; (b) contains the obligation of the recipient to become and remain employed; (c) moves the recipient into whatever employment the recipient is capable of handling as quickly as possible; and (d) describes the services available to the recipient to enable the recipient to obtain and keep employment.

    (2) Recipients who are not engaged in work and work activities, and do not qualify for a good cause exemption under RCW 74.08A.270, shall engage in self‑directed service as provided in RCW 74.08A.330.

    (3) If a recipient refuses to engage in work and work activities required by the department, the family's grant shall be reduced by the recipient's share, and may, if the department determines it appropriate, be terminated.

    (4) The department may waive the penalties required under subsection (3) of this section, subject to a finding that the recipient refused to engage in work for good cause provided in RCW 74.08A.270.

    (5) In implementing this section, the department shall assign the highest priority to the most employable clients, including adults in two-parent families and parents in single-parent families that include older preschool or school-age children to be engaged in work activities.

    (6) In consultation with the recipient, the department or contractor shall place the recipient into a work activity that is available in the local area where the recipient resides.


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